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Hello, everyone!

I've started work on the Mix & Match illustration series, so I thought I'd share some details about the set you voted on in July!

If you recall the details, we're going to be drawing a total of four girls, each in four different settings, and wearing four different outfits. The winning details are listed below with, believe it or not, each of the three winners tying at 28 votes each!

The Girls: Evelyn Tran/Charlotte Allard/Hannah Cheng/Rupi Mangat

The Outfits: Slinky cocktail dress/dog collar and body writing/nipple pasties and g-string/harem dancer

The Locations: A bar/the beach/the strip club/school gym (this last one is a bonus location since two winning entries feature in a strip club) 

The Runners-Up

Hoshino Midori/Sling bikini, school socks and shoes/School gym - 25
Alessandra Velasco/Sailor Mercury cosplay/School - 19
Alessandra Velasco/Slinky, ruffled, red Spanish dress/Street festival - 16
Cindy Lawson/Wedding lingerie/Honeymoon suite - 14
Zoey Foster/One-piece bathing suit/Luxury pool - 14
Cindy Lawson/Backless dress/Headmaster's office - 13
Hoshino Midori/Egyptian queen/Warehouse - 13
Nileya Nidessa Nijhar/Kimono/Nijhar mansion living room - 12

Sneak Peek

I attached here some sketches for the four girls, somewhat hinting at what their poses and outfits will look like. I hope you enjoy the tease. I'm so excited to draw this set, and I'm so excited with the entries you all voted for. ^_^

September Updates

Starting in the month of September, I'm going to start scheduled weekly posting, rather than posting sporadically. The posts will happen every Thursday, starting with next Thursday and will include all the work I've done up to that point in that week.

The primary reason for this is that I find I produce better work and that I'm more productive in general when I'm not overly concerned with getting out 'that next post'. I've also received feedback from our Discord group that people appreciate that sort of predictable consistency. All I know is that you are all amazing patrons and I appreciate that you give me the space and time I need to make work we can all be proud of. ^_^

Posting Schedule

I'll keep this loose for now, but in the coming update we have new Fun & Games pages to look forward to as well as a new Aimi Abroad set, featuring a steamy street tango scene in Buenos Aires, Argentina ;)

In the following week, I'll be finishing the Mix & Match set. When that's done, we'll figure out the theme of the next poll... Halloween! Always a fan favourite!

After the Mix & Match set is completed, I'm devoting the rest of this month toward new Milk Candy content. I think this new posting schedule will be incredibly conducive toward producing large amounts of focused content. The goal is to complete the final 14 pages of Milk Candy! But it's alright if we don't get all the way there. I'm honestly just happy to carve out this time to focus on it and do as much as possible. That makes me very happy. I find I always work best, and quickest, when I don't have to switch gears between projects.

Lastly, toward the end of the month, we're gonna hit the new Cinnamon Hearts scene as Rupi makes her way into the nurse's office ;)

Commissions News

Buried here at the bottom of this post is the first, informal notice that I will no longer be taking commissions come the end of this year. If you are interested in a commission, message me as soon as possible - here, via email, or via discord. Many of you have emailed me already. I will get back to you soon.

Any commissions I take in the meantime will be completed between now and the end of the year. A more official notice will go up eventually when I've determined how many commissions I'll be willing to take on during that time.

I'll still be involved in working with people on projects and ideas though. Those of you involved in Discord know that I'm always receptive to discussing ideas and willing to take suggestions for pieces or for stories. If you have something more focused in mind, I am considering opening up more of the Serious Slut tier slots so that we can work together in producing long term content.

In any event, this is part of an ongoing conversation, and as with all things, I am not a rigid person. If you have any concerns, talk to me. We'll work something out. <3



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