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That's it! That's the Candy Shop Short Shorts series, introducing new girl Veronique Allard! Hope you all enjoyed that bit of fun, and we'll be seeing more of Ronnie in the near future ^^

The next series will star Brittany and Nileya, but before that I have one more Short Shorts sketch that I promised someone I'd make, and that I'm really excited for... It's gonna be a kinky little one shot, like I do sometimes, but don't worry - that Brit/Nileya story is on the way!




A kinky little one-shot? Put me down as intrigued! (Also, loved this Short Shorts series!)


Thanks! I think it was cute! Toward the end, I was worried that maybe it was too boring, but I enjoyed it anyway, hahaha.


She must have that on always in store...must be mandatory. XD