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Greetings to everyone.

Again, I received many messages and I felt the need to open an information topic again. Actually, I made the announcement before. I didn't want to constantly open informative topics to avoid too much topic pollution on my page.I think I need to do weekly briefings again. So every Monday, I will inform you about my work.

Now! About my work in progress.

  • Young Star:

I'm starting a new series with VAM. For those who have previously watched the Archive episode, this new series will continue as a tie-in. It will be a short series. I completed the poses and editing phase. I will share it after the dialogues are finished adding. However, I have not yet found a speech bubble shape that I want with VAM. I hope I will solve this problem as soon as possible.

  • Neighbors

You can think of it as the continuation of the Neighborhood series. I will not focus on a single male character in this new series. The first few episodes will focus on the lives of 2 male characters. Actually, I was going to share this new episode last week, but unfortunately the new update to DAZ Studio caused some errors. I solved this problem yesterday and discovered that the female character's hairstyle caused this error. It may be a little strange, but you will see that the female character's hairstyle has changed during the episode. But there isn't much of a difference. Currently, 65 photos are ready and I will share the photos that will connect the next chapter after I prepare them.

  • Lucky life

I haven't started the LL series yet. I plan to finish this series after a few chapters and focus entirely on VAM. Your ideas and opinions on this subject are very important to me. I would like to point out this. Preparing animation with TK17 can be quite annoying. I think there were too many mistakes and I didn't reflect exactly what I wanted. Because the network of animation with TK17 is very narrow. VAM is more successful in this regard. With VAM, it can offer more realistic physical reactions and visual beauty. Also, the best part is that there are no limits. For example, I can use 10 characters on a single screen. But I would really like to hear your opinions.

  • DF Series

DF series is another work of mine that I plan to finish, just like the LL series. I haven't started making it yet.

  • Extra photos for Gold Tier and above.

I haven't posted for a while because I haven't received any reactions or comments on this subject. But I think I will share again.

  • About my AIart works.

As far as I understand, my AIart works did not attract much attention here. But I continue my posts on another platform. But if you want, I can share it on this page. And I would like to point out again that my AIart studies do not interfere with my main work. I prepared a schedule for myself and started a regular work schedule.

  • About my real life.

Friends, my biggest source of income right now is the content I create. Thanks to you, I can improve myself and pay my expenses. I want you to know that I cannot say that I earn a lot of money. You can be sure that I spend the money I earn from here to create better quality content for you.

So why can't I share as much content as I used to?

First of all, I would like you to know that I also have things to take care of. I allocate 4 days to create content. I allocate 1 day for my personal work and 2 days for myself. I used to create content 24/7. But over time, due to the onset of a cervical disc herniation and the discomfort in my eyes, I cannot spend much time in front of the computer. So health comes first. But when we look at the average, you can see that I share 1 animation, maybe 2 animations, 1 comics and extra photos every month.

Thanks to your support, opinions, comments and ideas, I have been able to come this far. I'm really grateful for this. Please feel free to write your comments and criticisms. I take all of them into consideration.

I wish you healthy and good days.




Thank you for the update we will be looking forward to whatever updates you post soon


Thank you for the transparency, I know you have a lot on your plate. I understand the frustration of working with a platform that causes you a lot of headache. I understand the want to transition to VAM, and based off what you showed for "Archive" I am excited to see what will come from this. I understand ending the LL and DF series, and it will be a quite a closing of a chapter. The LL series was what made me become a patron. I too look forward to your updates.


Thank you for your understanding and nice comment. I just made an update on Diamond Tier and higher levels. I shared a new animation. Because many people love this series and I will continue it whenever possible. I will continue the LL and DF series until the animations and stories I prepared with VAM are liked. Now I will start the new chapter of LL again. I hope there will be good results for all of us.