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My first attempt at animation with VAM. Please do not criticize too harshly. LOL. I am kidding. All your criticisms and opinions are valuable to me. I can say that I gained a lot of experience while preparing this animation. I purchased several paid add-ons to fix missing effects and bugs in animation. Creating animations with VAM was easy at first, but I learned that it was lacking in many ways. I'm looking at the software of the application. If I have free time, I plan to prepare my own supplement packs. Especially sperm and large penis is a big missing and problem for VAM. Just like the TK17, it is one of the shortcomings of image quality. It can be fixed a little with a few additional packages, but it was not enough for me. I tried to increase the image quality a little while editing the video.

I hope you enjoy this little story and animation.


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Actually, I like it. It'll take time for you to get the hang of it, but you will. The more you use, the more you'll improve. Overall, though, nice designs ... though they lacked "weight", almost like they were pasted on the background. Just work on shadow and depth ... you'll be fine, given experience.

michael anderon

It's great, with one problem - I'd like to see everybody's faces, particularly during the sex scenes. These cut off heads etc. things kind of rob it from looking like real porn.


It's good. I have to play the video in 2x speed for smoother motion. But I like what I see.

carlos garcia

It was really good when is more coming


I enjoyed this very much, this was excellent for a first attempt. I know with more practice, you will smooth out the animation motion and sound. I like where this is going and you made your models well.


I agree with you. Details are too low. It can be fixed a little with additional packages. I think it will get better over time.


I think I understand what you mean. Since I am in the process of getting used to the application, I have not studied in detail. But over time, I will work on slow and fast poses in the video.


Before starting a series, I plan to make one-episode animations in this way. When it is at the level and quality I want, I will design the character and start a new series.