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In this section, I added music and sound effects on the back.

In the previous episode, Mike solves Julie's sadness in this episode.

The next 3-4 episodes will be about Mike and Julie's rapprochement.

I hope you will like it. Have a good time.





Thank you! I will watch it in two hours when I get home. I'm excited.


First of all, this is the best episode in my opinion.  I like that his plans with Selda were ruined. Unpredictability is good! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Rebecca and Eflin are the best characters for me so far. The graphics are better than all of the previous episodes. This is how things should be, advancement. Good job!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


The addition of the sounds has changed the experience. It absolutely makes watching more enjoyable. The sounds of "clapping" in the second scene are amazing. 


I'm glad that you added extra layers to the storyline. More sub- stories adds depth to the content. To continue this, I hope that Mike's big desire for Julie keeps increasing, but he still can't "get it". Until this point, he got access to all women featured except Julie. I think it would be interesting for her to discover his affairs with other women. Yes, discovers but "let it go". She likes that he is a good sexual partner, but she does NOT allow the prohibited to happen. After all, she is a mother who claims that her three kids are her ultimate priority. It will be an interesting ongoing tension in the storyline. The story will loose it's excitement if we can easily expect that Mike will get any women he sees. That's just my humble opinion. 


Excuse my long comment and thank you again for the good work 💐


Long comments are no problem. After all, we get better results with your valuable comments. I'm glad you like it. I will try to use better quality sound effects in the next videos.


Loved it!! Great lighting and skin texture. Eflin has a GREAT rear end ... yummy! I ask only one favor ... put your "twitter" plug AFTER the vid. That's where credits belong. Otherwise ... thanks a bunch! PS Hope your Dad is doing great during recovery!