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Hello friends.

I can't update for a while. My father had heart surgery and is currently hospitalized.

Thank goodness the surgery was good. However, since I will take care of my father for another week, I may not be with you for a while.

I came home today and prepared 3-4 photos. A little effort is good.

Justin and Amanda go to Becca's house.




I wish your father the best. Family comes first! Thank you for the amazing pictures. The babe in bikini is astonishing! Good job on working the sun/shade!! Great work!


Best wishes to you and your father! Hope his recovery is quick!

Randy White

Family first. Here is to a quick recovery for your father.


Take care of your family. Hope his recovery is quick!


HEY im new in yr patreon are all yr story's interconnected like Marvel Universe or separated story's?

carlos garcia

Hi ROCKAS all his stories are separated using the same characters and new ones as well really kinky stuff

carlos garcia

hope everything is going okay do you have any updates for us


Tomorrow my father is leaving the hospital. I start working on Monday. :)