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Gather round, swell children - it is time for the monthly Patreon Exclusive Update! For paid patrons only!

There's a handful of things I'd like to cover this time around, and as always, there's a tl;dr at the end if you want a brief overview.

New PC Editing Performance:

So far, so good! I touched on this before in my last update, but I'll go over it again briefly with some added details.

For reasonable sized projects (like my latest Captain Rescue nideo) it works phenomenally well. I was able to finish that project much faster thanks to the improved performance. Most of my elaborate edits played in the video preview without issue, and I had almost no project lag - aside from the occasional crash.

It has also made a big difference for the behemoth that is Fesh Pince 3's main project. It's still laggy, but it's far more manageable now. The aforementioned improvement to video playback applies to this project as well. Overall, while not 100% ideal, it's been a substantial upgrade.

I am unsure how things will be when I fully delve into HD sources. I did get a small taste of it when I was editing Judge Judy. I made a separate project for it, and it did crash on me a lot - but I'm hoping that was just an anomaly. Aside from the crashes, it worked fairly well.

Fesh Pince 3: Part 2:

Since the completion of Robotnik Captures Smiling Friends, I have been focusing my editing solely on finishing the next part of Fesh Pince. I currently have a good chunk of it done. I have several large scenes compiled together, and a rough outline for how I want to structure the rest of it.

The beginning is complete, and the ending is mostly complete. Many scenes in the middle are close to completion as well, but there are a lot of gaps I still need to fill - and many sections throughout the entire project that are not yet up to a quality I am comfortable with. I still feel like it is missing at least one more large segment to tie everything together. There are also many smaller, incomplete scenes I have yet to find a way to include.

For those of you who read my massive wall of text from yesterday, you'll be familiar with some of the struggles I've been grappling with. It's been difficult coming up with satisfying ideas lately, but I'm still making progress slowly. Last week was particularly bad; I was feeling completely stuck, and unhappy with most of my new edits - but thankfully, things have improved as of the last few days. It's a cycle, so I'll inevitably get stuck again, but I will keep working through any roadblocks no matter what.

I can't give you an ETA, unfortunately. As I've said before, I want to keep working on this until it meets my standards. I would like for it to match the quality of the first part of Fesh Pince 3 - but it's proving rather difficult - and I would feel absolutely devastated if I brought down the quality of Fesh Pince 3 as a whole by fumbling the 2nd part.

Future Plans:

Not much has changed here - though I will say, after completing my most recent nideo - it has sparked an inspiration for me to revitalize some of my older content in the same way I did with Captain Rescue. I have a list of sources I'd like to revisit in a similar fashion. I love the idea of this being a classic Krobo renaissance era, where many of my old staple sources are brought back with a completely new, modernized style.

That said, nothing is set in stone, aside from a Roseanne YTP - which honestly, still falls in the category of a classic Krobo renaissance nideo. The Roseanne YTP will be worked on after Fesh Pince 3 is completed. I can't say if it will be the very next nideo after; it's going to depend on how large of a project it ends up becoming, and I can never really predict that.

I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I have actually worked on it already. Before I decided to make Fesh Pince 3, I was originally planning on returning with a Roseanne YTP. I'm glad I opted for the former - but thanks to that original plan, I already have a foundation for a Roseanne poop to build on. The project is a mess, though. I'm not looking forward to cleaning it up.

Closing thoughts:

That's about it! I want to thank all of you swell sleuths for sticking around and being so patient. I really appreciate it - because without the financial support, I wouldn't be able to focus on nideo making nearly as much.

I'm glad you're all understanding when it comes to my "quality over quantity" approach. Being able to consistently work on something until it is good, without worrying about a strict deadline makes a massive difference in quality. I'm always working on new nideos, but I'm so happy I don't have to rush anything out just to meet a quota. I prefer for most of my nideos to be a special little event, where you get excited because you know I put a lot of care into them.

That's not to say there will never be any more filler nideos like Steamboat Will (Smith). If I have a quick idea, I'll run with it - but the majority of time, I'm gunna stick to hammering away at something more elaborate.


-For the most part, the new PC is working well for editing, and speeding things up.

-Focusing on finishing up Fesh Pince 3: Part 2. Having some struggles with it, but a good chunk is completed, and I'm still making progress.

-Considering revisiting more of my old nideo sources like I did with Captain Rescue, like a classic Krobo Renaissance, but nothing is set in stone.

-Roseanne poop will still be coming sometime after Fesh Pince 3. I have some work for it already done. 

-Thanks so much for sticking around and supporting me! I'll always be working on nideos, but I'll take my time to make sure they are the best they can be.




Your nideos are awesome and you should feel awesome. We love you dad

Whisker Woods

"Classic Krobo Renaissance" Era is the sexiest phrase I've ever heard, seen, smelt, or touched ("memorial day sale at Mattress Firm" is the sexiest phrase I've ever tasted)


One time I had dream I was Kahn Souphanousinphone singing "There's Got to Be a Morning After" and Billy Mays was in the crowd. This happened years after seeing that nideo. I love being here. We love you Krobo.