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Hello swell companions, it's time for the monthly Patreon Exclusive Update! For paid patrons only!

This time around, I'll try to keep things relatively brief, as not much has changed in terms of my plans. If you want a refresher, feel free to check out my update from last month.

New PC:
As you might remember, I recently purchased a new PC to assist with editing. So far, it has been an enormous improvement. It allows the editing program (Sony Vegas Pro 18) to run more smoothly, and improves the reliability of the video preview. On my previous computer, any elaborate edits would lag in the video preview, making it difficult to test certain edits without pre-rendering them.

This improvement has substantially increased my editing capabilities and speed. I was able to finish my latest nideo (Robotnik Captures Smiling Friends) much more quickly because of it. I have yet to do much testing in the ways of HD material, but I'm hoping that all runs smoothly as well. AoStH and Fresh Prince are in standard definition, which makes them less demanding to edit.

Fesh Pince 3:
Still chipping away at it, but I will admit, I did take a break for a while to focus on Robotnik Captures Smiling Friends. It was getting to a point where I was unhappy with most of my new ideas, and I needed a change of pace to get myself back in the right headspace. Sometimes, after a brief hiatus from a project, I come back refreshed and inspired with better ideas. Now that my latest nideo is complete, I will be focusing primarily on Fesh Pince again.

So far, the new PC has drastically reduced the lag in Fesh Pince's project file. There is definitely still noticeable lag - likely due to it's enormous size - but it is much more manageable than it was with my previous computer. Good enough for me.

This is a more personal matter, but since it has affected my editing schedule slightly, I figure I should mention it. A few weeks ago, I started getting some back/shoulder/neck pain. I did what I could to keep it under control (stretching and minding my posture), but within the last few days it has progressed to a more severe state. I likely overexerted myself, causing it to worsen. As of writing this, I am unable to gesticulate my arms in certain positions without pain, and my neck mobility is extremely limited. If I try to look down, I experience excruciating pain.

Because of this, I didn't think I would be able to finish up my AoStH nideo in time, but it was so close to completion that I decided to power through to finish it. I had to be very mindful of my positioning while editing - and take breaks - but it was somewhat manageable. Admittedly, even writing this post causes me a degree of discomfort.

I have experienced something similar to this in the past, and it did go away with time. I scheduled a doctor's appointment just in case, but I'm sure everything will be fine. I will likely take a few days off from editing just to ensure I am able to heal up properly.

Future Plans:
As I said, not much has changed with that. If you'd like a refresher, check out last month's update post. One thing I will mention is the Fresh Prince editing process write-up is still happening, and I apologize for not getting it out this month. I decided to prioritize editing over completing that. Don't know when it will be out, but I will keep you posted.

tl;dr because I failed to keep it brief:

-New PC is working well for editing. Fesh Pince project still lags but it's more manageable

-Fucked up my neck/back/shoulders which has slowed me down, but hopefully it will get better soon

-Future plans remain the same

-Sorry about that dang Fesh Pince editing process write-up, meant to have it done this month but prioritized editing instead. It's still coming and I'll keep ya posted



Luna Steffensen

Peter parker knows what you are going through, take solice in this. Hope u feel better soon sweetheart

Fog Hazard

Hope you take whatever time you need for your health, be it physical or mental. We can always wait for nideos. We're just glad you're here making them again!

Hans Moleman Productions

If you haven’t thought about it already- For your posture try getting a chair that has lumbar + neck support (Hyken, X-chair etc). I sit at my computer 10 hours a day and my shit used to get fucked up but I got a Hyken chair and never had any neck or back problems since! May you be swell!


Thanks for the swell suggestion! I'll look into that. I could definitely benefit from a more ergonomic setup.