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When i first did mods for Starbound, i was always prioritizing the selfExploration, with the endResult being very... stimulating. (Was not always for everyone.. but the ones who happen to like it, ended loving it!)

Aside from other work i have been doing for the next content update, i managed to add the Starting questline for some long awaited content. 

Unlike the other content present in the modpack, this is going to be more... lets say, hardcore and kin#ier.

Right now i am adding the "Sub" route where :


-Affected npcs become mean and.. "oportunistic"... even toxic

-Choices are made for you

-You are taught your place whenever npc males feel like.

-You are told what to do and you are always encouraged to answer positively to them ;)

-And more surprises...

Right now i am working on a simple system to make the town more suitable for male fun. getting rid of younglings and female npcs (Teleporting them to the Museum every morning on a special room and limiting their schedules)

This point above has taken from me a lot of testing time hours,, but i "think" i finally got a medium ground for it to work "good enough" for this new prupose.

Again, the first 2 events of this new questline are done.. and good lord! :Eggplant: :fire: ... They just hit the spot!

There would be a "dom" route too (You won´t be able to choose both, as Alastor believes in full commitment)

The dom route will require you to choose some npcs to make a "loyalty" gesture for you (I know i use a lot of ""´s.. but they are lite versions of the real deal ;) just to keep this family friendly XD )

This loyalty gesture will require the npc to "marry" something of the player choice... could be a machine... a masc#t,.. or event a large version of themselves as a clone... while they are now moving to your personal stable to leave in it :D

AS you can tell from the descriptions of each route...  veeeery hot stuff going on with those.

Are they for me?   
-Yes (Never doubt about that)

But even if you do, my main focus is the general experience of the whole modpack,, like for example the New Gus and the Halloween content being in the works :D (And many other things).

New npcs, New locations with high amount of custom pixel art, new dialogues, new events...  The modpack is getting beefier with each content update. So, expect some exciting updates next!

For the Patreon supporters new and current :
Thank you!, your support means a world to me! it makes more content AND resources for me to create even more better content!.. Thank you for your Support!

For the "other" Patreons who tribute :
Don't expect any thanks, Its your duty to keep doing it and doing it good!
Hec$k, i may even deserve to be thanked for accepting those :FlexBicep:




Did you mean actually starbound? If so what mods did you make? I wanna play


In the same page you download the modpack on LL, go to my profile and try to find the "Files" tab. Then just scroll down... since they are the oldest ones i have. You can also search for the "Unificator Prism" mod.. since that one is Always required for the Starbound mods i made. - If you play with them Let me know what you think of those ;)

Hayden Hayes

This sounds awesome! I can’t wait to see these Dom and sub routes 😆and thank you for dedicating so much of your time to this