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Good day to you all!

I have been testing an old mechanic (i used to avoid a lot.. since it was bugged/not reliable back then)

There is no short term for it.. so i´ll describe it :

-You approach an npc while HE is on "X" spot (he could be sitting, sanding or doing another casual thing,, but must be on that Exact spot while talked to)

-While there the npc can ask you a question

-While the question can have 4 answers, there could be only 2 outcomes. (The most common sets are 1-positive 2-negative)


Imagine these scenarios :

-While being at the new GUs bar, when the villagers come to it, you could talk to them and they may ask you for a special service... then you would go to "X" place to fullfil the deed. hehe

-Maybe you have a master with a schedule, where he goes to a chair,, then a bed, then to a machine.... so....  imagine if you approach that master and get a question related to what he is doing?. (The possibilities!)

-Or maybe...... (Alastor smiles*) Some older villagers in the town decide to be mean to the farmer, and they ask you different things each day.. things with cosecuences... :devilsmirk:

These are just examples...

But thing is, for all the testing i have been doing, i think this new mechanic is worth enough to make new content around it. It feels immersive and gives more interactivity for the "go and talk" mechanic.

Once i finish some things, i´ll start shaping the content a bit more, so it actually feels good and interesting when engaged with.

Again, like all the other content i have made, this will need the player´s approval/choice to happen, so if something bad happens, an npc could always tell you "You brought this on yourself" hehe.



I got some newsletter from Patreon.. about a new rule taking place on October 15, about Mastercard patrons.

They will need to verify they are above legal age to access adult content... (or something like that)

So, be sure (if there are any here) to prepare if that time comes.


Ext4ra note :

It seems the Dominus vip event is making some users wanting more.

And he may have something in mind already. ;)


Thank you for supporting my work!, new content is being made for the modpack and i am using my skills and my time to make it special. :D



Hayden Hayes

This is great! I’m really excited to see what you have in store. Also, I’m kinda surprised Patreon doesn’t already have a verification system in place, since they could be held liable for that sort of thing


They said they are "still" searching for third party companies for this verification process.... it seems the users would need to send a scan of their ID.... So, they might scare some supporters with a messure like that... (id for a third party company, for adult content?.. yikes!)