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(Early post.. i´ll upload the file in a bit. Around 1 hour)

We did it!, its ready!

I tested most of it and i´ll be ready for bug/hot fixing, typos, suggestions, praise and any other thing.

There are things not listed on the poster, like the nuber of new events and all the new animations (Like 22 and 12) And other things

A big deal of the the time spent with this update was because the migration of the maps and other internal changes in preparation for the 1.6 update of the game. Also very hard months of my life :´(

But now (Thanks to your support) we have a fresh update and a stronger base for future updates,... like what for example?! :

More :

-Events + new locations
-Machines + Items + Shops
-Bara replacers for the rest of the vanilla npcs.. (Gus, Krobus, Robin, Dwarf, etc..)
-Trevor Questline with his monster catching show
-BIG true Devious Valley map + questline + events
-M´preg ;)
-More Supernatural creatures, Satyrs/Demons/Orcs/Eldritch/Slimes
-Farmer family? (Dad, brother, uncle)
-Marriage for Denver + Pressor
....And many more things!

Thank y0ou so much to be around! Your support makes the difference!

Oh! btw..
About the new Vip Domination event at Dominus:
For everyone who want to try it, i´ll try to check the DMs as often as possible, i have been having power outages and other nasty events due to the intense heat around. But be sure that i will check them once i get back.

Hope you have fun with this new chapter on the valley!
I´ll be report anything new / WIP and any content related to moding/future moding of other games.

See you around!  (Updating the file in a bit.)



Hayden Hayes

So to clarify, what is actually implemented, and what is in development?


The implemented stuff is in the changelog on the LoversLab page. (both, the highlight page under a spoiler, or the main mod page, at the bottom) -The Wip/planned/wished is the things i wrote here in this post under the word "More :"