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I am on the final phase of the main questline for this next update.

That phase is debugging the events (This mean,, i have to run the game for EVERY possible answer choice, to see if everything plays well)

As you can see on the image above.. that event was playing nice, but it has some "aligment" problems...    (I don´t doubt someone out there likes to step on muscular men tho.... Thats sounds like a furniture idea to me ;D )

Anyway..  Once i am done with the debugging, i can start doing all the bonus/side content for the update. 

-lore descriptions
-expanding on other content.. like Kent and Dominus
-And some things i can´t say in public :O


As i said earlier this month...  i do plan on releasing this content update Before this month ends.

So, if the big Stardew update 1.6 comes and breaks everything, at least you all will have more content provisions to survive until i get everything fixed :D

Have i told you that i want to make a Big town full of men and fun?!
I haven´t released this content update, and i can´t wait to start the next one :P****

So yeah, thank you for your patience... and for all the Doms out there... You are going to enjoy this one a lot!  :heat:



Hayden Hayes

Can’t wait! And I’m glad you’re satisfied with your progress