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After some thinkering here and there about the very anticipated "only males" scenario. I wanted to do an "Island", far away from the valley. 

But then some problems and logic issues became bigger and bigger, so i rethinked the concept... many times.

So, what about a crater inside the valley?, a secret place only accesible via a cave and/or magical satutes troughout the valley?.

More like a secret society/cult :devilsmirk:

The image above show the "Potential" sketch for a BIG map of the new secret-crater-valley. Where very wild things will take place for either, the farmer, the male villagers.. or for someone else entirely.....

You have seen my work before in terms of sketches.... very simple,, and then, BOOM!! big scale pixel art!

That is the aim here, to do something more organic and unique (Unlike the vanilla approach of doing individual tilesets) I might be sketching and working on big chunks, and more importantly, the events, animations, dialogues and mechanics taking place in this new place (With sub-areas inside ofc).


Let´s take it slow. At this point, the Barry Update i am working on, its still halfway and will be crucial to link to this new planned and so anticipated new content.


I´ll be realistic with you. Things around my life hasn´t changed the "right" amount. Its.. exhausting to be in total care of someone else. There are good hopes (says the doctors), i do want to believe because i also NEED to take control of  my life again, so i can keep doing what i love and dream for.

Sometimes in the nights.... the things i think about, all the valley adventures :Eggplantemote:



Again, while this idea sounds great, its still a WIP. I am checking suggestions, looking at some references, doing my homework. And ofc, while doing the actual spriting, sometimes other changes/ideas happen. 

If everything work as planned, this should be the new signature content of the modpack :D

-New Patrons, welcome!!, 

-Loyal patrons: glad to see you again! hugs* pat* pat*

I am so glad i found my place and a community for the work i do. I had many years living in doubt, trying to abandon this craft for....well. anything else $$. Thank you all to prove me wrong!

So please, look forward for more progress content and ideas!

(Btw.. the last poll. Orc, Demons and Werevolves.... noted!! :P*** )




Hayden Hayes

So I do want you to understand that this comes from a place of care, and not scorn: Speaking from experience, sometimes you need to put yourself first. I spent my entire childhood putting others before myself and it absolutely ruined me. I have been left with no idea of what I want since my entire identity was based off of helping others over myself. Obviously your mother is important, but don’t forget that you are too. On a lighter note, I’m absolutely loving this concept, and I look forward to the ‘Real’ Devious Valley!


Oh!! you can´t imagine how hard i can relate to those words. Yersterday i had to meditate very hard on this, since it was.. well.. destroying me. I even was called a "Butler", for everything i do.. ofc i didn´t like that so i had to take a pause. So i am slow down (Just the necesary), to do only the most basic needed things, while on the other hand, i am trying to re take the very special things that makes the "Undare". I felt may tickles when i was making the sketch, thinking on the events taking place on these new areas, their look, their rules!.. This is the right way for sure! :D