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These is the things next on the list for the next update (In this order):

-Migrate the ALL the maps to a safer framework (Time consuming)

-Add Krobus replacer AND events

-New Dom-Oriented content

-Add more content overall to the existing content (Specially Dominus, and maybe more events for the Wizard? :P )

-Machines, items (Furniture*)


(All of that with custom artwork, ANIMATIONS, new places, events, etc.)

I was trying to avoid the migration since its... well.. tedious :´)  

But if i don´t start making those, the modpack won't survive too much in the future since they keep updating the game with new game logic (Breaking code and such)

Aside from that, there is another migration pending, but for all the items (gg). That one is even bigger than the maps...

But right now the new framework in charge of that is still early and buggy.. so thats for later.

AS for a release date of the next update, i think maybe February?, since i KNOW for a fact, new updates will come on January, forcing me to adapt midway.

*While i am working on the update, i´ll see if i can release a minimod. So i can try out new ways to spice up the mods :D

Thank you so much for your suport! 

Keeping the modpack alive and growing is thanks to you <3 (hugs*)

I'll report back in January about progress and maybe some spicy spoilers ;)

See you soon!



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