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So, the Wizard was the most wanted npc to participate in the valley's recent activities :demonsmirk:

(Based on the poll ofc. )

Imagine this scenario :

You enter the Wizard tower after... lets say 8pm :P 

And then he invites you to participate on some "Alchemy" experiments... hehe

With magical spells like :

Helping Hand, Enlarge Person, Dimensional Door, Transform self, etc (With their own custom magic animations and all :O )


So here is the deal.

Since the update 1.5.5 of the game broke things and made update difficult...

I could work on the Wizard "Solicitation" events involving spells and alchemical products as result.

While we wait for stabilization updates to make the game mod friendly again. (They are working hard on it)


As a second note.. On Twitter (at this moment of this msg) there are like 5 hours left for the poll to finish, and its looking like Bara Krobus have the lead.

If the Wizard work goes smooth, i could add some content related to twitter winner too, or just make other content for other areas of the modpack.

Rest asured! i´ll be adding more things while we wait for the updates.


Thanks for your support! and expect more news soon! <3




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