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I have ready a nice amount of content, fixes and changes for the next update, so i am hoping to release it soon.

How soon?

-For me, i would relase it around Nov 30

But i´ll be sure to give it enough time in the oven, so you don´t get immersion breaking bugs. (Like 1 leftover i left in the past one. Fixed btw in a hotfix)

A new version of the game is coming "1.5.5" and it is said to break mods. 

So its a priority to release something stable soon and WARN players about NOT updating until the Frameworks are updated as well.

Thank you all for your support! I have more time to maintain the modpack and add new content, thing i would have left a long ago.

So, the next post should about the Update and the "What's next", (I choose some community suggestions and themes, so i can´t wait to share them soon)

See you soon! :D 

-But UNDARE!, what about the picture, the green dude in suit?

Undare : Yes

