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(If you are new to the Patreon, Welcome! <3 )

First, This month has been rough because a problem around my internet. 30 days without it and the tech staff of my internet company is just inexistent.. been surviving at internet cards and let me tell you, that is no-life.

While it cuts my effectiveness on mod manuals and updated mods i use, i can and still am working on mods regardless.

Next update will focus on the Movies, it needs a LOT of pixel art, and some spicy writing (MOstly provided by contributors on my server).

While i would have loved to release it in October, i discovered that making that area Adult-Only, with themed decorations and reactive dialogues is quite extensive.(And a lot of custom art +8 panels for each movie. 8 movies in total :sweatfaceTongueOut: )

Been doing tests and it works!

ALSO!, I made a post asking about movie ideas (Since i have like 8 slots i need to fill.), And the suggestions were AMAZING!

I tought about adding a bathroom area too, with events... hehe. (Imagine if you invite someone to the movies,, and then you go to the bathroom and you encounter Kent and Alex there, while your date is waiting on the reception XD .... oh! so many possibilities).

So yeah, I´ll take time to shape this content right so you can have a complete experience when you decide to go in ;)

-IT won´t be the only content thing tho, There is an Ultimate Dominus quest and another surprise i will add too, along with machines and other stuff around my other content.

-Also, there is an upcoming Official SDV update 1.5.5, some reports suggest it breaks the modpack.. so i will be working on that too.

Thank you for your support!, once they restablish my internet service, i´ll would be able to update with more images.

(Note 1: The movie ticket on the image.... that is the original art for the ticket, and yet it looks like a ....)

(Note 2: So, Hunted Chocolatier....   I bet it will be having mod support ;) )



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