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This new feature proved to be a challenge. It is difficult, but not impossible!.

I managed to add +3 new locations, one of the with custom descriptions (And the possibility of evolving map elements... i´ll tell you more about that later ;) )

The branching nature of this new questline is quite labor intensive code-wise, I could say (Suming up the progress i am making today) i have 30% of it already in game.

Once i complete and upload this update, i´ll love to dedicate the next one to bachelors and mini-stories or 1-time oportunities with them.

Thank you for your patience,

this month has been a bit troublesome and interesting at the same time. Family reunions, surprise storms with power outages, family members struggling with side effects of the vaccine, strange sounds in the night.... etc.

Please, stay safe and healthy!, i am dedicating all the time and passion for this project i love and care about, i am grateful to find out new users coming across my work and sharing their experiences and wishes with the community <3 

Again, thank you! and expect some news soon.

*Evolving map elements
-You make a choice, and a new statue/stand/picture frame appears on the map, describing what you did.
-Maybe you sign a contract with someone.. so that contract is on display from now on, to show EVERYONE what you did and what your are capable of ;) wink*



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