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Hope you are having a great monthStart.  If not,  BigHugs*

If Yes, More Hugs anyways*  XD

I Started making some more progress for a mod i started a while ago called "Mineral Mage" it is on Nexus.

And for the size of it, it aims to be one of those "Must have" big mods for Stardew Valley.

New Npcs, Quests, Buildings, Places, Machines, Items, NEW MONSTERS!, New Loot, New Mechanics, Custom reward systems, Magic and much more!

It is helping me to learn the new systems implemented in the new tools we have recently, while honing my sprite art skills.

But more of that Big mod later.

In regards to the Devious Valley mod :

I have planned one optional Mod for the whole modpack focusing on Npc clothes.

Used/semi-used clothes lying around on their rooms, that the farmer can just... pick up! ; )

2 New machines are also planned. 

And i am also checking if i can Expand the Muscular beds mod too. (With good looking versions of Willy and Clint :P )

Or just Add Custom sprites for the Double Beds too....  We´ll see <3

Aside from those 3 things for the modpack, i´ll look if something else can be added/improved. I am checking your suggestions on the fantasy channel on my discord, so i keep them in mind when possible.

As a personal note.

I am doing fine at life. haha

My mother had an important surgery few days ago, and she need like x5 the help while she recovers. So i am doing extra work everywhere, and that takes many of my energy and time.

I still do my best to Add content, give you all support for installing mods and listening to your suggestions about the modpack.

The modpack WILL grow even more with Content, Areas, Npcs, Items, Quest and the list keeps going. So expect much more!

Again, hope you are doing fine!

The support you give me here is the one that lets me be around making progress and just being around you. 

So again, THANK YOU! 

And also expect a special announcement in the near future ;)




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