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Things are a bit roughright now. 

Pc decided to fail more and more, and i am not sure how many time is left for it.

I will try to stay in contact if the pc decide to not boot up again.

Being working hard on the game in the aspect of equipement

And (after long planning sessions and studies) this is how i am building it:

-Clothing = Would be a social thing giving you stacking traits.  Those affect how other npcs react to you while giving you some minor stat boosts. (Like xp or gold gain)

+Example : Being naked give you the "Brute" trait.  You get more energy to do more activities, but people may go rough on you if they had the chance.

+Example 2 : "Cloth gear"  Give you the "Civilized" trait. Gives you a bonus to xp gain on questing and rewards. But increase to rate where you become "smelly"

+Example3 : "Merchant clothes" As you guessed it "buy/sell bonuses".   But you may become target of thieves more often.

-Armor = For combat, affect speed, damage reduction and other endurance related stats.

Example 1 = leather armor.  More attack speed, dodge chance.

Example 2 = heavy armor. You are slow but more resilent to dmg. Maybe some enemies are staggered when they hit you.

Example 3 = Robes. You are lighter, move faster and have bonuses to magical practices.

-Support = those can go for social or armor based bonuses.

+Example 1 = A tribal tatto on the face.  May icrease your stacks of the "Brute" trait provided by.. you being naked. Increasing it to a point where you also gain an "intimidation" skill. That can help you in many ways ;)

+Example2 = Wings.  So you can move faster.

-Debuff = This equipment represent crippling statuses that can : slow movement or decrese your hability to defend yourself.  This causes Npcs taking advantage of you.

+Example 2 =on feet "Slimed" (With a visual effect of the goo stuck on you feet of course) This makes you slow and clumsy, Not a thing you would like in a fight while running away from foes.

How you equip items?.

I am working in a "dresser" system. Where you choose what to wear and save the option you choose on them.

I am adding the possibility to "Hide" every single item you wear, and i plan to add a "Coloration" option and an "illusion" option as well

Illusion = "This gear will show regardless of what you have equipped" (Planned for much later).

With this system, you no longer "juggle" with countless gear items in your inventory. You just customize your equipped gear at an station with items you have bought, earned or crafted. And boom! you just worry of fighting and/other activities like farming, mining, questing or just go to a close Pub to relax ;) 

If things go as planned.. this game is going to be something else for the Man on Man lovers. 

So stay tuned, and let me tell you this :

I am super thankfull for all the patronage and donations, it is really helping for going through all of this hard situation.

I am glad you being here. And i hope to deliver something very good for you soon! <3

Stay safe and again THANKS!



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