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This video is pretty wild!

Thank you educatedmarine for the video with subtitles!



I'm sorry for my English at first. This song is full of double meanings and symbolism. The video was made 2021, but with a look of the actual situation of Rammstein, especially of Till (the accusations of abuse young women, the litigation, the shitstorm in the media...), the song is very matching. He says a lot, (he's the mirror for the dark side of society) but not all people wants to hear the truth about themselves. So - let's make him "mundtot" (german word for: he has to shut up/say no word anymore) Because of this, he became! sewn his lips together)


I love the song. Love all the little layers. It reminds me of a mix of Mein Herz Brennt and Schwarz. Lots of big thunderous instruments in the chorus combined with lots of harmonic noises