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The title of this post is exactly what Mat and I say to one another on most days. When we first started this journey we had no idea we would be here a year later but we wouldn't change it for the world! 

For those of you who do not know, being content creators is now our fulltime job. Due to Covid my fulltime job was unfortunately dissolved, and honestly our channel just started as a way to cope with the uncertainty while spending time together and experiencing something new while trying to "wait out" the chaos. Never did we think this would be the path we would be taking, but we are just enjoying the ride and hoping to continue it as long as you all will have us. We appreciate you all so very much and are grateful for our community!

Here is a peak at what my "office" (laundry room) looks like! It is super bare currently, I need to do some decorating. lol

Also, we will be live streaming tonight (7/16) at 9pm ET and we would love to have you join us. Hope to see you there :) 

Chels (and Mat) :P



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