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First off I gotta say sorry about being offline for a while. Personal life took over and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. So I'll do my best to try to keep my pace.

Now back to Jiro!

I did the new textures to fix the top and added body textures.

I didn't realize this but originally she was really so I resized her.

Gave her an extra outfit. Something like a cute sleepwear that can work as underwear

Looks great combine with her original outfit.

After that I set her up and ported her for sfm.

To save on time I like to copy/paste the texture files so I don't have to rewrite all the code.

Doing this gives me funny reskins I like looking at.

After fixing that she's pretty much done just need to test it and do preview pics so

 coming soon!



Awesome she looks so good! Any idea of an ETA?