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Hi you guys, I have to be open about myself situation. Now I'm in the status of having a severe mental issues, and its pretty effecting my work efficiency. I'm working very very slow and don't have a will to do it fast or to finishing them in time like I used to be. Everything in my personal life really took a toll on me especially mentality wise. 

So I just want to let you guys know that there'll be less reward delivering for at least two months in order to tackle my own health and sanity, and be able to get back to do what I love again without an obstacle like I facing right now. (Noted that the rewards still be delivered, just least than normal)

 I hope you guys understand and thank you so so much whom with continuous support or a new supporters, I really appreciate you all, and sorry for this disappointing situation but I really need that break in order to get back on my feet and regain motivations again like I used to.



I hope you get to feeling better and your situation improves. Take care and I am wishing the best for you.


take all the time you need for you mental health, that should be your priority and it’s ok having less reward you give us more than enough material 🫶