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Hey Guys!

I've finally finished rebuilding most of D.D. EX's systems.

Can't wait to share it with you guys.

However, I've only completed a small part of the game's storyline so far.

I'm expecting to finish more of it next month, and it should be getting faster from there.

I hope you guys will enjoy this brand new Dead Dating.

Hunky City new update will be released soon, please look forward to it!

Experience D.D. EX here: https://fymm-game.itch.io/ddex/patreon-access


Patreon access for Dead Dating EX Prototype

Do you support Mr.Ryu creating Video game and illustration on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $3.00 is required to get access to this DDEX Prototype.


Felix GayXOXO


Connor Babylon

Can't seem to get out of the desk and bookshelves area?

Matt Brailey

I can't seem to get access, itch says I'm not a patreon 😭