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I've done some tech study and test for the next game project, and here is some information I would like to share with you and hope could get your feedback. :)


 As with Dead Dating, Your team member would explore together with you. the difference is that you can change your teammates anytime.

 The idea is that as you explore with different partners you will trigger different conversations and storylines, or side quests.

 In this project, I plan to make an open world. (small one) All NPCs will have their own routine and the game world will have day and night and weather changes. These will affect the monsters and storylines you will encounter.

Gameplay View

I haven't decided yet, maybe I'll do the Top-down view or the horizontal scroll.


The game will be produced directly as NSFW, but SFW mode can be enabled in the options. Although the game is 3D, the NSFW CG is the 2D illustration.

Now is time back to DD and keep working hard! :p




Like what I see so far. Looking forward to seeing this developed further.


This looks good! I don't think I've seen a solid gay, western-style RPG with good art like this before. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with this concept. Will probably need a LOT of bug testing, though!

Daniel S.

Looks interesting. I like the art style.


I’m glad you like it! but it still have a long way to go. I think I’ll finish the story and CG first and released them here. :D


Thank you! Oops… bug testing hell is my nightmare… lol


Interesting idea. I like the style, and a variety of side quests always welcome, increase replay value.


Love it, was hoping for a MC that wasn't customized but if we can ease drop on others that works. I hope a morality/alignment system is implemented, makes making choices in the games more fun. :)


I'm glad you like it. I want to design an open structure so it could be easy to expand the game content.


I think the MC is still could be customized. morality is a great Idea, the morality system sounds interesting! but I have no idea about the alignment system, could you explain it to me? :p


How about this? At the beginning of the game, players can accumulate moral values through their actions. Then, depending on your moral value, you can choose your gift: either the Mercy or Tyrant. The Mercy gift allows you to understand all races' languages, skills towards healing, and support. The Tyrant's gift is to threaten and curse. . You can be an angel to care for your companions and earn love, or be a demon to turn everyone into your slaves. ;)


Before i throw more ideas around how "dark" are you thinking of making this?


Ok so not Grimdark but somewhat dark, I'll go from there and just make assumptions. SO yeah the Morality System would be best to be tiered. With certain actions throwing it further down on direction and each direction has Pros and Cons towards, yourself, the slaves, the mercenaries, the shopkeepers and possibly storyline and/or endings depending on how you want to go about it. Here is a sample I've been kicking around. Tier 0 Neutral - You are not know to be either cruel or kind. No benefits pros to speak of but no cons either. See other comments for other ties


Good Tiers Benefits YOUR (THE PC) Defensive abilities/magic, Support abilities/magic and Healing Magic are increase by 5 to 10% per tier Slaves look at you favorably and hit more or more likely to fight for you, per Tier. People and quest givers look on you favorably and give you more experience for completion. Cons: YOUR offensive abilities are decrease by 5 to 10% per tier. Mercenaries/Shopkeepers think you are gullible and weak so the charge extra 5 to 10% Tiers are Tier 1: Kind - Your actions have shown that you are kind to people. for better or worse. Tier 2: Caring - Through deeds and actions have shown to be caring, slaves look favorable to you and Healing/DEF are easier. Tier 3: Beloved - Your Actions and Deeds are know for better or worse and your beloved by your companions. Tier 4: Saint - You have shown great kindness and have done saint like deeds, you are almost worshiped by those you have helped and have come to be know to treat others equally and fairly. Tier 5: Saint King - (This one might be much but it depends on how you want to do the endings and how slavery is done in this world, but basically Tier 5 requires a special quest, and once complete you get this tier and also you have the ability to free slaves and they become your companions and are no longer stricken by any debuff slave status gives them, think mercenaries with out having to pay.) Descirptions: You are know through out the land as the saintly King with out a Kingdom, slaves and people over know of you deeds and all but worship the ground you walk on...


Evil Tiers Benefits YOUR (THE PC) Offensive abilities/magic and Critial hits by 5 to 10% per tier Mercenaries/Shopkeepers look at you with respect/fear and charge less per Tier. People and quest givers look on you with respect/fear and give you more gold/resources for completion. Cons: YOUR defensive abilities are decrease by 5 to 10% per tier. (you end up being a glass canon by end game) Slaves fear you are more unwilling to fight and will either rebel or miss more. Tiers are Tier 1: Cruel- Your actions have shown that you are cruel to people. for better or worse. Tier 2: Sadist- Through deeds and actions have shown you to be sadistic. Mercenaries respect you, Slaves fear you. Tier 3: Feared - Your Actions and Deeds are know for better or worse and you are Feared by all. Tier 4: Tyrant- You have shown great Cruelity and have commit horriable deeds, you are respect by the strong and feared by the weak. Tier 5: Tyrant King - (The opposite of the Saint title, the Tyran king does a special quest, but instead of freeing slaves, he can enslave mercenaries, no pay but all the perks of a mercenary and slaves, IE getting them to do what you want.) Descirptions: A new Tyrant King has risen in a land full of darkness and slavery, people tremble at you coming and fear the power you possess.


Again this is just throwing ideas based on general RPGs and JRPGs, around still don't know the full length you are going to do this or how this RPG is going to executed. But if nothing else then cameos from Dead Dating guys won't hurt to have


I can't wait for the next part on dead dating I've been playing and replaying and I love it so much!!!


Wow! thanks for your ideas, Sorry for the late reply, I was busy for build a new version of DD. I will check them carefully! Thank you so much! <3


Thank you! I will try my best to catch up with the schedule! :D