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Hey guys, The Windows and Mac version is already released, and here is the update information.


1. Add a Daydream system. 
2. New Area 'the rooftop of Lewis's flat'.
3. New Area 'Metro'
4. Luxurious shop merchandise.
5. VR ground rewards.
6. 3 rewards CG of Site work.
7. 2new CG of Gym.
8. many small changes and new contents.
9. Gym membership, Club menbership.
10. Visiting Mothers in Prison Mission.
11. Meat Market XXL mission.

Unfinish content in this update-

1. New Npc 'Love clinic'
2. Gogo boy events.

Upcoming update-

1. Dating system.
2. Give gift system.
3. Storylines for each datable characters.
4. Monster killing mini game.
5. Dojo NPC.
6. Detective mission series.
7. Area "Dark tube".
8. Area "Rose Gang".
9. Photoshooting task.


Patreon access for Hunky City Prototype- Ryu access

Do you support Mr.Ryu creating Video game and illustration on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $3.00 is required to get access to this game.


Josh Fletcher

Awesome game so far but when you work at Cole's bar the drinks are blurred so it's hard to tell what's what


i cant seem to be able to unlock Lewis' new CGs ;( no matter how hard i've tried, or i'm just too dumb ;(


If the hints get more clear, it will not be difficult... lol


I have gone through most of the new prototype and gotten most of the implemented CGs, but can't seem to activate/find any Daydreams at all. Is there something I am just missing in the game or do I have to activate/download something else to turn them on?


when is the next update?