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We made it this far everyone! And to celebrate the occasion, next update will be a rework patch for all the characters, and some adjustments to the story before continuing it further.

Also, I've decided it would be best if we got new backgrounds to make the VN prettier, so I'll be setting that goal in the patreon section. 

That's all, and thank you everyone for your support!




I will miss the old Phileo, love that big goof


He's cute, I'm going to miss the old one, I really liked his clumsy and childish side. Now he looks more confident, a shame but to see in the story. Keep doing what you're doing, it's awesome <3 !


does he really have to have hair like that? that was one thing I liked about the old model! I never understood why human hair is ever on a furry. It is a bit of a turn off actually If it was the same color as his fur that is ok but it being a different color is just weird looking. Also the clueless but cute look of his face hope that still comes across well to the new model!


hmm, maybe ill add the option for hair color


Would it be ok/possible to have the old phileo assets as a toggle option in settings?


I love old Phileo, but this update is amazing hahaha

Aaron Cordova

I really like the new phileo!


Not a fan of new Phileo. His hips are weird, he is not cute and cuddly anymore, a bit creepy instead. I didn't like old Phileo being circumcised, so I guess with new Phileo being no longer cute, it is easier now to drop this VN.


both all good


If there is a way to keep his old model then I'd love for that to happen! Like some of the other comments, I loved how goofy and loveable he looked and will miss it. The new model is still good however, I'm not completely pessimistic!


Damn I'm going to miss the old sprite too, but then my tastes go towards beefier they are the better