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Once, when Xavier was young, he and his mother were staying at their cousin’s farmhouse out of state. The room they stayed in was detached from the main house—an old, renovated shed—and it didn’t have a bathroom.

He distinctly remembered a time when the power had been out, and he couldn’t find a torch. There had been heavy cloud cover during the day which had stretched into the night, and when he stepped outside, he couldn’t see a damned thing. He’d never felt more vulnerable in his life, standing in that utter darkness, trying to find his way.

The darkness of the Stone Bear’s cave was a thousand times worse than that.

Xavier was always infused with a silver glow from his Spiritual Trifecta spell, but just as the flames from the torch had been diminished here, the glow about him had no impact on the strange darkness—this was worse than the floor with the wyverns in that pitch-black, expansive cavern.

But Xavier wasn’t a child stumbling around in the dark any longer, nor was he the same man who’d faced the wyverns, still new to his craft.

He was the man who was well on his way to becoming the Weapon of the System.

This was something he could fight.

Xavier cast Time Alteration. He hadn’t expected to use the spell so soon after first encountering the Stone Bear, but circumstances warranted he approach this fight with an abundance of caution. The spell had been cast the instant his torch had been snuffed out, a millisecond after he’d watched the Stone Bear climb out of the wall.

His body and mind relaxed within the safety of the bubble. He could stand in that time dilation field for days and not be in any danger until it fell. He could summon a comfortable armchair and have a nap, if he really wanted to.

Instead, he summoned another torch from his Storage Ring. For a moment, he worried about the speed of light. That was one thing he hadn’t tested while he was in one of his time bubbles—he’d had no need to.

With a thought, the torch was lit. The flames flickered, and the space around him was illuminated. It didn’t push far—that oppressive darkness was still there, even within the bubble of time he’d created. He walked over to the edge of the barrier, in the direction the Stone Bear had been. He’d ensured that there was a gap of at least two feet between the edge of the barrier and the Stone Bear when he’d cast the spell. Two feet would mean two things—first, that even if this Stone Bear was incredibly fast, it would still take a long time for it to reach the time bubble. And second, that it would be close enough for his torchlight to illuminate it from the edge of the bubble.

As Xavier stepped toward the edge, he contemplated the speed of light. He remembered once reading that the speed of light was 186,000 miles per second, or 300,000 kilometres per second. In a millisecond, it would travel 186 miles. And in a nanosecond, it would travel a single foot.

Xavier perceived the slightest of delays as the light reached the barrier and went beyond it, though for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what that delay meant. He wasn’t exactly sure how swiftly his perception worked, so doing any reliable calculation with how fast that light moved outside the bubble in relation to the passage of time within it was impossible for him.

Either way, it moved fast enough that he could see it illuminate the Stone Bear without having to alter the speed of the time dilation field.

The Stone Bear was a fifteen-foot-tall beast carved from solid rock. Though perhaps carved wasn’t the right word, considering he’d seen it somehow form from the cavern’s stone wall.

Xavier examined the beast in the flickering torchlight, tilted his head to the side, and used Identify on it.


{Stone Bear - Level 280}

The Stone Bear is a created of rock and darkness. They live in seclusion, very rarely venturing out of their caves to hunt. Though their caves don’t look particularly inviting, there is a quality about them that attracts other beasts into the Stone Bear’s domain, where its darkness disorientates them so the Stone Bear may feed on their energies.

Along with the oppressive darkness a Stone Bear can conjure in its own domain, it has the ability to create offensive traps in the form of stalagmites and stalactites. These attacks can come from above or below at any moment.

A stone bear can swiftly move through solid rock, and has the ability to teleport anywhere that stone resides, this means that when facing a Stone Bear it is wise not to do so on their own turf, as not only will you not be able to see the Stone Bear coming, you will have no idea where it will come from.

If you’re reading this while standing in its cave, all I can wish you is a swift death.


Xavier swallowed as he read the last line.

Thanks, System, that’s real helpful.

Xavier was frustrated that the Identify skill hadn’t offered any hints about the stone Bear’s weaknesses. That was one of the main things the skill was useful for, but when it was used on stronger beasts, the skill didn’t tend to be powerful enough to offer him such insights—when it was on such beasts that those insights were the most needed.

He looked up, raising the torch, and saw that behind him—where he had been standing but a moment ago—a stalactite had begun falling from the ceiling. He looked at the jagged, sharp point and wondered how much damage it could do to him.

He didn’t recall hearing it fall—nor sensing anything from his Evasion skill—but perhaps he had been too focused on the bear.

Felicia said facing this Stone Bear wouldn’t be worth betting on, but she also didn’t warn me about the C Grade beast that resides in the Dark Mountains… something tells me that woman doesn’t have my best interests at heart.

It was time for Xavier to devise a plan. This Stone Bear’s level was on par with that of the Magma Bull, but it had several advantages the Magma Bull lacked—the darkness being one of them, and the fact that Xavier wouldn’t be able to summon the Spirit of Vengeance was another. Of course, just because its level was the same as the Magma Bull, didn’t mean its strength would be.

But the last thing he wanted to do was assume that it was weaker.

Xavier thought through his options and looked through his different spells. He had defeated well over a hundred D Grade beasts during his training in the past week, during times when he was waiting for the cooldown for his Time Alteration spell to end.

In that time, he had gained several levels—five of them to be exact. Which meant that Xavier was now Level 167.

It also meant that none of his spells were currently in cooldown—except for the ones he had just used.

He could use Summon Otherworldly Spirit. And just because he wasn’t able to summon the Spirit of Vengeance to him, didn’t mean it wasn’t possible for him to utilise the spell at all. In fact, he had been selling the spell short—it had other features that he’d neglected.

Xavier cast Summoner Otherworldly Spirit.

Time froze. Even within his bubble, the flickering flames from his torchlight paused, as though stuck on a single frame of high-resolution, slow motion camera footage. Colour drained from the world once more, not that there was much colour in the cave beyond that which the torch’s light was able to reach.

A humming sounded, one that was beginning to become familiar to him.


You have successfully connected to the Otherworld.

What kind of Spirit do you wish to summon?

1. Spirit of Protection

2. Spirit of Vengeance

3. Spirit of Time

The cooldown for this spell varies significantly depending upon the spirit you summon.


Xavier smiled. The last time he summoned the Spirit of Protection, it hadn’t gone well—the spirit hadn’t been happy with him.

This time, it was rather different, and he’d be remiss if he didn’t utilise every tool at his disposal.

Xavier chose the Spirit of Protection.

In a bright flash of light, the spirit materialised before him. As before, the spirit seemed to contain every colour imaginable. The brightness diminished until Xavier was able to see the creature more clearly.

The Spirit of Protection appeared stood in front of him. It was different to the last time he had summoned it. Last time, its face had been hidden behind a dark cowl that wreathed its features in an impenetrable shadow.

This time, the hood was down. The spirit wore full-plate armour, but it was in a different style.

The spirit was clearly human, though he was seven feet tall and built like the biggest bodybuilder imaginable, with wide broad shoulders that stretched farther than seemed possible.

Xavier frowned.

You are not the same Spirit of Protection I summoned last time, are you?

The man tipped back his head. A loud, rumbling chuckle sounded in Xavier’s mind.

That spirit did not wish to be summoned by the likes of you, Denizen. Apparently you… wasted its time? Though that is a strange thought, considering all we really have in the Otherworld is time…

The spirit sighed in Xavier’s mind.

I thought I would always summon the same spirit?

Only if that spirit has been in your service. The last spirit does not qualify.

Ah, Xavier thought back to him. No, I suppose it didn’t.

Now, Denizen, tell me why you have summoned me to this dark place. The Spirit of Protection’s head turned. It looked toward the Stone Bear. Do you wish me to protect you from that beast?

I do not know how powerful it is. Xavier paused. Wondering. I have never before experienced the powers of a Spirit of Protection. Before the fight begins in earnest, can you explain to me what you are capable of?

I was once a great and powerful tank, before my life was forfeit… many years ago. I do not fight like the Spirit of Vengeance. Indeed, in this form I cannot fight at all.

The man did not possess any visible weapons, only a tower shield that was almost as tall as himself.

My powers move through you. For a brief time, you will gain several new abilities. Spells that I once possessed in life. These spells will have a limited usage, and the more of them you use, the longer your next cooldown will become. If you expend them all, the cooldown will be the longest time possible.

I’ll gain access to spells… Well, this certainly seemed like it would benefit from me practising with the spell while outside of combat.

The Spirit of Protection inclined his head. He wore a great big helm with a smooth top—it looked to be designed for strikes to glance off it rather than find purchase.

Indeed, but such a thing is not possible for the spirit you summon from the Otherworld—you must use us for a worthy purpose, or not at all.

The Spirit of Vengeance told me something similar…

The Spirit of Protection chuckled again.

No doubt with a threat of violence thrown in the mix. One you oughta take seriously.

The Spirit of Protection didn’t speak as Xavier had expected—then again, neither had the dragon that was the Spirit of Vengeance.

Once the spell is active, and time once more moves forward, you will see what will be at your disposal. Be warned, the spells can only last for so long—a timer will be activated, so do not take too long contemplating the spells you have on offer.

The Spirit of Protection tilted its head to the side, looking around the dark cave. It took a step forward, examining the time dilation field.

Although, if this is what I think it is… you may have far more time than I thought. The spirit grinned. You are indeed as unique as the dragon said you were.

Xavier found the idea of this man speaking to the Spirit of Vengeance about him to be particularly strange. He had the absurd vision of them sitting in a tavern, if those even existed in the Otherworld, conversing over ale—not that the dragon would be able to fit in a tavern, though he wouldn’t be surprised if the beast had a taste for ale…

Xavier was glad to find the fact that cooldowns—and apparently other sorts of timers—were connected to the flow of time that the universe he abided within set, rather than the time as it moved within his time dilation field.

Usually, this was something that was frustrating, but apparently, in unique circumstances, it had its advantages.

Before Xavier signalled the spirit to be fully activated, he asked it another question.

Will I be able to converse with you, while I have access to the spells you grant me?

Indeed. I will be a voice in your mind, there to guide you, and warn you of the danger I perceive. Though know this, my perception will only be as swift as your attributes allow it to be, and the spells at your disposal are also based upon the strength of your Spirit attribute. Were I able to access my full powers from before my fall… you wouldn’t be scratched, even facing a thousand such beasts as the one before you now.

The spirit sounded proud of that, yet also somewhat sorrowful that it wasn’t something he could do.

I am sure whatever powers you bestow on me will be more than enough for now.

The Spirit of Protection inclined its head. Time flowed forward once more, and a notification displaying the different spells on offer appeared before him.

He smiled as he read them.



I thought it was the spirit of vengeance he summoned that wasn't happy with him? Not the spirit of protection


The very first time he used the spell he summoned the spirit of protection. When the spirit asked him wht he was needed for Xavier told it he was just testing the spell. And well the spirit got mad XD.


Edit suggestion: created of rock -> creature of rock