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Xavier watched as Adranial shifted in her seat. He couldn’t help but see every movement she made as an admission of guilt. But he was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt unless he had a good reason not to. She’d come to him, warned him, after all.

“This is not part of my plan, Xavier Collins.” Her voice was laced with steel. Then, in something barely above a whisper, she said, “Your life may be too important to risk.”

Xavier’s forehead creased. “What do you care whether I live or die? Aren’t you just out for yourself? Isn’t every interaction, every relationship, nothing but a transaction to you? Kill or contract, those are the options, aren’t they? I’m still wondering which one you want for me.”

Adranial dipped her head forward. “That’s how I was raised to look at the world. The universe. But you? You’re more important than all that.”

Xavier wasn’t sure he liked the sound of this. Being considered important by this woman—and, by extension, important to her ancestor—meant he had the eyes of the most powerful person in the entire Greater Universe on him. Someone who’d lived for billions of years.

Though he supposed those eyes had been on him for a while. He’d suspected whoever had been watching him was powerful… but this?

“Why?” Xavier asked. “Why do you think I’m important? How can you think I’m important? Your ancestor, as powerful as he is, could solve anything, can’t he? I’m nothing compared to him.”

“Things change,” Adranial said. “That’s something he always tells us. The only constant in the Greater Universe. Things change. He won’t always be the most powerful person in the Greater Universe.” She stared hard at him as she said this. “And… he’s not able to solve everything, even if we always thought that would be the case.”

Xavier stared back, not sure how to take her words seriously. Not only was she being vague, but… How could he ever catch up to someone who’d been around basically forever? How could he ever become more powerful than someone like that?

How could he do something they couldn’t?

Instead of questioning the woman’s words, he rolled with them. He wanted to see how much he could get out of her. And he still didn’t trust her. Not fully.

“If I’m so important, couldn’t he offer me his protection?”

Adranial’s gaze flashed away, then back to him.

Have I hit on something?

“He can offer you protection. But not here. Not out on the fringe, on the edge. If he were to come out here… the balance of power would shift too dramatically.”

Something clicked in Xavier’s mind. The pieces of the conversation were coming together. The reason for the message she wanted him to send, the one that had, so far, protected Earth far better than he would have been able to if he hadn’t done it…

“This is what you’re after, isn’t it? This is what you’ve wanted all along.”

Adranial blinked. “What do you mean?”

“You want me to leave Earth. Leave my sector. You want me to go to him. That’s why you wanted me to show the sector what I’m capable of. Why you wanted me to reveal my identity as a True Progenitor. You wanted this target on my back so that I wouldn’t always feel safe in this sector—so that I would eventually leave it.”

Adranial shook her head. “I’m only trying to do what I can to ensure your safety.

Xavier scowled. “And what about Earth’s safety? What happens to this planet if I leave?”

Adranial smiled. “It will be safe. I assure you, that is something we can guarantee. Others in the Greater Universe might come after you, because they know what kind of asset you could be to them—or what kind of threat you might pose. Either way, that contract or kill mindset? They would be aiming it toward you. My ancestor could say you’re off-limits, but while you’re here, this far away from his direct sphere of influence…”

“It won’t make much of a difference.”

“But this planet? Without you here it will mean nothing to those more powerful. A word from my ancestor will guarantee its protection, and no one would dare defy that. The risk on reward for coming after you versus coming after this planet are worlds apart. No one would dare invade it.”

“Something tells me that word comes at a price.”

Adranial barely registered what he said. Instead, she kept talking. “This world could be like it once was. People wouldn’t have to fight for their lives against beasts or enemies from other worlds. Or, they could. My ancestor can provide the world with wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Make it strong. It could slowly be transformed into a powerhouse of the sector. It could have peace, power, or both. Whatever you, or the people of your world, wish for, it’s within their grasp.”

Xavier didn’t respond right away, because what she was saying… he was finding it tempting. Incredibly so. How could he not? She was offering him everything he’d ever wanted for this world. The ability to keep it safe. To ensure it would prosper.

And to be under the protection from the most powerful person in the Greater Universe?

“What about their freedom?” Xavier asked. “Would they have that? What cost would this protection come at?”

“The protection would cost them anything. They would be free to do whatever they wished. They would not be under contract. Earth would not belong to him, or to anyone, only itself.”

“Sounds too good to be true,” Xavier said. “And for this, all I have to offer up is my life? I can get the protection and freedom of Earth for the low, low price of what? Contractual servitude? Death?”

“I told you, Xavier, you’re too important for that.”

This conversation hadn’t gone the way Xavier had expected to. If he were honest, he had no idea what way it would go. But he hadn’t expected this woman to offer him everything that he wanted.

Is it everything that I want?

He felt like a fool even entertaining this, but how could he not? He’d be a fool not to. If he refused this out of hand, and it was turned out to be Earth’s salvation…

But Earth wasn’t the only thing he needed to worry about, and it wasn’t just threats within this sector—it was threats to this sector. “What about the threat of the purge? You mentioned you knew of it.”

“Sectors with planets under my ancestor’s protection don’t get purged. That is something I can guarantee.”

Xavier found himself speechless. He looked away from Adranial, out the window of his base. A base that was just coming together. Starting to turn into something bigger. Something better. It was growing, in size, in strength. Those within it were beginning to become connected by more than just proximity.

He had grown attached to this place. Grown proud of it. Of all he’d done to protect his world. To have its protection handed to him on a platter like this… he didn’t know how to feel.

It was too good to be true, but he knew he could have it all confirmed. Knew that he could have a System contract that would make all of this binding.

The protection of Earth and of the Silver River sector was within his grasp.

He blinked. Tried to take everything he was hearing in. Even if he didn’t trust this woman, or her ancestor, or know why it was this was happening, or what would happen to him if he agreed to it… wasn’t it exactly what the world needed?

People could have what they had before. Hell, they’d have more. More life. Less conflict. The freedom to pursue whatever they wanted to pursue. With that much wealth, access to the System Shop, people wouldn’t need to work for things if they didn’t want to. They could have everything they ever dreamed of.

He wondered what type of world that would create. Tried to envision it within his mind. It sounded like a utopia.

Like all utopias, it was too good to be true.

If he took this, he knew it would feel wrong. Like something he didn’t deserve. Like winning the lottery. But, like winning the lottery, wouldn’t he be a fool to deny himself the winnings?

Of course, he still didn’t know what would happen to him. If he travelled to the other side of the Greater Universe, he would no longer have his freedom. He would no longer be able to pursue whatever future he wished for himself.

Contracted or not, he wouldn’t be able to deny the will of someone that powerful if he was within their grasp. Not if he wanted to continue to live.

Assuming that was this man’s will.

 But more than once he’d known that he would sacrifice his life for the protection of Earth. How would this be any different? He would be selfish not to do it.

“Why?” Xavier asked. “Why does he want me?”

“I told you. You’re important.”

“Important for what? If he’s willing to offer all of this…”

“All of this? This would cost him nothing. He’s more powerful than you can imagine.”

Xavier shook his head. “Even so, you haven’t answered my question. And Earth isn’t in trouble until the restriction is lifted, even if some planets are willing to send invaders here, it would be a suicide mission—I’ll deal with them.”

“I’m sure you would. But how many people would die in the process? How many lives would be lost? Would you really put your life above theirs if there’s another way to protect anyone? Remember, Xavier Collins, I’ve seen what type of person you are.”

“Exactly. And that’s what you’re preying on right now.” Xavier felt anger build up within him. The frustration he’d been feeling since this conversation had started. “You want me to sacrifice myself for this world. You know what I care about and you’re using that against me.”

“You make it sound so crass. Like I’m not offering you something in return. You should feel flattered, considering the attention you’re getting.”

Xavier laughed. “Flattered? I’m not so sure about that. You still haven’t told me why I’m important, other than the fact I’m usurping his titles. And I don’t see why he would want to protect me because of that.”

Adranial shut her eyes. She cocked her head to the side, as though she were listening to something. Was she communicating with her ancestor right now? Her forehead creased. Her eyes opened again. She sighed. “He won’t let me tell you.”

Xavier stepped away from the table, turning his back on her. He felt more frustrated than he had in weeks. Angry, too. Everything was going to plan. Far better than he could have hoped. And now here Adranial was, throwing a damned curve ball at him, trying to call it a favour.

And wasn’t it?

But it didn’t feel right. Felt like selling himself for his world. Felt like selling his world, too. If it was under the protection of another, it might have freedom, in a sense, but the people would know they’d never be able to stand on their own two feet without help.

Does that even matter, though, if they’re safe? If they’re happy?

For the first time in a little while, Xavier couldn’t help but miss his life before all of this. The one where he didn’t need to make decisions that would affect the entire world, maybe even the entire sector. It seemed ridiculous that some kid who just wanted to tell stories would find himself in this position.

But here he was.

“I can’t do it.” The words slipped from his mouth before he’d even known he was going to say them. “This get-out-of-danger-free card.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what your ancestor wants from me, but it’s not going to happen if I come to him.”

“What do you mean?” There was genuine confusion in the woman’s voice.

Xavier turned around. “If he thinks I’m important, that means he wants me for something, right? I’m valuable to him. And I might be wrong, but it doesn’t seem like he wants me dead. And if he wants me for something it’s because of what I am. You keep telling me I’m something more than a True Progenitor, and I guess that’s true. The record titles I’ve been getting in the tower, dealing with the Lord of the Endless Horde on the fifth wave. I’ve accomplished more than I should have any right to. But I’ve done that because of all the things that are at stake. You say your ancestor was forged in a world, a sector, a universe, where he was the strongest right from the start? That’s not how I become whatever he needs me to be. I can’t go somewhere I’m not in danger and be expected to thrive. I can’t be trained in sanitised, safe situations, away from the danger you say I’m in. And this world? Having it on the line?” He bit his lip, wondering how selfish he was about to sound. “That drives me. If Earth was suddenly safe from all harm, even after the restrictions were lifted, then what would my reason to push forward be?”

Adranial opened her mouth, Xavier raised a hand and stopped her.

“And the people here? They need to push for something. If they got handed everything by your all-powerful ancestor, what would they have to look forward to? What would drive them?”

Adranial pursed her lips, her forehead creased, and jaw clenched. She looked like she had something to say, so he let he talk. “Are you sure about this? Because I don’t think my ancestor is going to offer something like this again. He doesn’t take too kindly to when people refuse him.”

“If he’s lived as long as he has, then he’s wise enough to know why I’m making this choice. Earth is under my protection, and it will remain that way. I won’t put its protection in the hands of another, and I won’t hand off our biggest asset.”

Adranial stood, her face steely and serious. Then something cracked that steel, and a warm smile replaced it.

Xavier frowned. “Why are you smiling?”

“Because, you made the right choice.” Adranial walked over to him. She put a hand on his chest. Suddenly the mood in the room shifted. “You were right. You wouldn’t be who he needs you to be if you’d accepted his help. If you’d taken the easy way out. He would have done it. Protected Earth. The sector. He doesn’t go back on his deals.” She tapped his chest. “But he had to know.”

She walked out of the room.


Felix Richards

This storyline is frustrating but I enjoy it.

Ben Heggem

loved everything about this story so far but this was dumb/over done. i see what youre going for but you could have done it in half a chapter. sorry for the negativity