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After a long period, I was finally able to return, again I am very, very sorry for the long delay.

Also, thank you very much to you who are still here, I was very afraid to publish again, what to do, how to return, how to face, how shameless I was not to notify when I finally had contact with the web again out of fear, but I was able to overcome it.

I do not want to bore you with a great anecdote about the reason why I was not present for almost 5 months (since February my last update) but it is summarized like this:

-Mother contracted Covid in February.

-Travel with her to another city in search of stretchers / respirators.

-Without internet for 3 months (for the better, due to the mother's recovery, we returned home at the end of May).

-I tested positive for Covid too (1 week I recovered from the symptoms).

-Fired at work (for the above reason).

-I lost 4 of the 6 subjects that I have to take this semester (I have to repeat them again next year, in the end it does not represent a problem)

-Demotivation to draw.

-Fear, anxiety, depression.


"It's easy for you to laugh, how much your life is completely a joke" according to a friend of mine who went through similar hardships last year.

I lost count of how many ... everything was going well, but life comes and punches you, you think you're doing better, now comes a kick. And when you are getting up in pain and anguish, you trip and fall. Is it that nothing can go right? Is suffering and failure necessary to have success or some moment of peace?

Ok I will do it. Let any shit come or whatever, but I'm not giving up here. There is too much to do, too much to work. And I did not dare to return empty-handed.

This is an artist patreon, damn it, at least do a good performance for the people who follow you. so since the distant December, I bring you everything promised to your requests. If you have a download limit in Mega, I can pass it to MediaFire (I think) the account I'm using is also about to reach its storage limit, but there is still a good time.

....... Wow, what a good summary, I'm an idiot.






Im so sorry to hear what happened to you and well there isn't much I can say about it. It's just lives a cunt to all of us at times so I can sympathise with your problems even if I may not understand them. I'm honestly just glad to see you are still around and drawing even if a lot of things got in the way of it! But whatever may happen I just hope things get better or rather said you stay strong to be able to face those issues!!!! I'm just really happy to finally see your art again!


Honestly man, reading back all that I’m so glad you’re alright in the end. I really hope those of us still here continue to support you for the foreseeable future!


I'm glad to hear you're okay! Please continue drawing! And if you are willing, please draw more nipple penetration/nipple fuck. The way you draw it is very good!


If anything, I'm just happy to see you back and well! Take all the time you need. Sometimes a little break is what you need, especially after a rough time c=