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It’s been too long since I posted a tempest photo so let me remedy that now! I’m curious how many people even know about tempest. It’s a pretty obscure character if your not a huge DC comics fan. If you do know about him, where did you first see him?



Stacy Walker

That looks like his most recent Titans comic costume but he has been around forever and was Aqualad before receiving a power upgrade.

Timothy Oliver-Grow

I first read him in old silver age comics as Aqualad. If you ever get a chance to do his old red and blue costume, that woukd be awesome.

David Pasteelnick

I'd never heard of Tempest until you started doing the cosplay, but I LOVE this photo.

Michael Mendez

I discovered Garth when he was Aqualad in the Aquaman comic and the original Teen Titans comic. Phil Jimenez’s Tempest mini-series is one of my favorites. I loved that red costume he created for the mini.

Jason Kivela

I first saw him in Young Justice. I think


Amazing pic 😍


When he was Aqualad. Yes, I'm old.


Im a huge Teen Titans fan so I first saw him there as Aqualad. I love the new Tempest version of him with the cool look and greatly increased powers. It's a shame he doesn't get more exposure.


Amazing photo Michael and Shawn