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I wanted to start the week off with something sweet because in a few days it’s going to be February and well… you know.

Since these are probably the last photos from this mini shoot I wanted to talk a bit about the experience. I’ve had my Jon Kent for a while and I knew that I would eventually want to find someone to be my Jay nakamura. I was heading to a convention as a guest and while I was creeping who else would be going I saw a guy named Duy (cafededuy on instagram) was also a guest. He was cute so I started scrolling through his IG and saw that he did a Jay cosplay many many months ago.

I immediately messaged him out of the blue and asked if he’d want to do something. We went back and forth a lot with different ideas. We had small ideas, we had huge ideas, but one week from the convention we decided to scrap the whole thing. I didn’t have any room for the extra costume, and he didn’t have time to finish his cosplay. Obviously we ended up doing it anyway but we didn’t make the decision until literally the night before I was flying out.

At this point I was really really hesitant about doing it because I had the biggest and most painful canker sore I’ve ever had in my life. It wasn’t visible unless I was talking but it literally hurt just to talk. I messaged him when I arrived at the con and said we could still do it but we probably shouldn’t kiss. He didn’t seem to phased by it but it just hurt SO MUCH.

We were supposed to do the shoot after the guest orientation and before dinner. We had a 3 hour time window to get into cosplay, do the shoot, and get to dinner. Sadly the orientation started about an hour late and it ended up running long. That meant that dinner would be right after.

Once the orientation was over we ran to get changed, and then ran to the green house to see that it was closed for renovations. We needed a new location quick so we jumped out of a hotel window and shot on the roof. We had people telling us to “get off there” so we knew we had to be fast lol. We also had all the lighting figured out for the green house but because we had to jump onto the roof all we had for lighting was a lightsaber lol.

Needless to say, it was quite the experience, and even though it was rushed, illegal, and lit by a lightsaber, and I didn’t get any dinner, I’m very glad we still did it.

Happy Monday!




I love that you two collaborated and I would love to see more from you both! So cute! 😍🥰


Thank you so much for doing this. The story behind it made it even better. Representation really matters so thank you for that too.

Jocko Ak-shan

That's quite a story! But I think the pictures worked out great. :)

Nick Brown

I'm so glad you guys were able to make this happen. This was an adorable series of pics and videos.


So sweet and so jealous 🥹❤️


Great picture sweet 😋


Loving the photos ❤️


💕💖😍 and the backstory made it a little more beautiful


Great pics .. but makes me super jealous...lol


Love the photos! And the story is adventurous and sweet! So cute! 🥰


Should be more of this