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I got the official word that I can share some more Hot tub shots of Nightwing so here you go! It’s was such a cute concept and I’m so glad to have been a part of it! I also added some BTS shots! I’ll have a lot more to share because we also did superboy, Spider-Man, and Tempest!




I thought she was wearing moon boots in the 3rd pic… and it caused genuine concern for the safety of your eyes

Jocko Ak-shan

It's really nice to see the BTS photos. It reminds me that this isn't something you just transform into (LOL), you have to do the makeup, get into the gear, get everything in its place and also, the mindset of the character. :) Thank you for sharing!


Nice I'm glad get see be hind the seens


I love seeing photos of candid Hamm. 😊