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I wasn’t sure what I wanted to post today and when I realized it was Wednesday I figured I’d do “what im” Wednesday again. 

Unfortunately that still didn’t really help because I still didn’t know what to post.

I recently just got back from a trip to New York with my mom and it was so incredible and so special. I’m pretty close with my mom but that’s mainly to do with the fact that she lives near me. We’ve never real dug deep into our relationship and this trip really changed that. I really got to spend quality time with my mom and no one else. It gave us a chance to bond in an uninterrupted way and it was just really cool.

I got to take her to her first broadways shows (which is a passion of mine), and I got to take her to take her to some places she’s always wanted to see. 

The trip was both a Mother’s Day gift AND a birthday gift and I feel so proud to have been able to do that for her.

 All that said, I just wanted to give everyone here the biggest thank you because it’s really all of you that allowed me to do it. I’ve said it 100 times but I’m so grateful for all of you. Thank you all so so so much!

Also, this is just a picture of me cause my mom “didn’t like” the ones we took together…




For those asking or just curious, we went and say Wicked and the MJ musical! Both were fantastic and important to us for different reasons. Wicked was the book the my mom bought me when I was really young that helped get me into reading (I hated reading) and MJ is the Michael Jackson musical. Fun fact, that’s who I’m named after. My mom was obsessed with that man and his music.

Ken LaGreve

Sounds like you both had a great NY experience! Next time you're in town, let me know and I'll buy you a dinner!