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DC Fandom which means we will very likely get a new trailer for “The Batman” which has me so fucking excited. I was super impressed by the first one and I genuinely think this movie is going to be great.

Typical I don’t see myself as a Batman but after seeing Robert Pattinson looks so good in the bat suit, I felt confident that if he could do it, so could I. I love that he is playing a younger Batman and I really hope they dig into the detective aspect! As for Robert Pattinson, i have faith. This month I watched 3 separate movies that he is in and he was incredible in all of them! (Good Time, the Lighthouse, and Tennant)

Also, I want to note that I didn’t make this. I was so scared I’d fuck it up so I bought it online and did some minor modifications. There are a few major mods still needed before I take real pictures of it though.

So yeah, Here is my Batman with a little editing to give it that “The Batman” vibe!




So excited for The Batman movie and you are killing it in this photo.


I saw the preview on facebook and it's great to see the whole thing!