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"A wizard is neither late, nor is he early... He arrives precisely when he intends too"
Gandalf The Grey.

"I come back to you now... at the turning of the Tide"
Gandalf The White.

"Holy fricking crap! What a month!"

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your patience with all of the behind the scenes changes I've been working on (for the last 3 months or so), I know that content has been non-existent for October, the wedding reception completely wiped me out, but my wife and family had a great time, and it gave me much needed time to think and gain perspective. So I thank you greatly!

I thought long and hard about all of the things that I wanted to do with the pricing changes, so that I would feel that what I was offering you my patrons was worth your hard earned cash, and that you would feel that I was offering you a service worth paying for. I got several very nice messages from patrons during this time expressing their support and those meant the world to me during a very difficult time for me. Genuinely, thank you so much!

During this time, I had planned to hire a person to go through the page, and do market research to find out the best pricing and methods for the services that I offer. I happened to mention this to my wife, who then facepalmed and went "ummm, you do know that I minored in business with a focus on graphic design and advertising right?"  Who knew?!  So I decided to utilize my wife (that sounds dirty) and her marketing knowledge (that part was definitely dirty) and came up with the following Tier lists: 

Early Access Tier - $1 per month
This tier gives you early access to all publicly posted content 1 month early as well as an MP3 Download and access to polls. 

Extended Access Tier - $5 per month
This tier gives you all of the benefits of the tier above while also giving you access to the extended (and usually more adult oriented) versions of the publicly posted videos.

Exclusive Access Tier - $10 per month
This tier give you all benefits from the previous tiers, while giving you access to the monthly patreon exclusive video. This tier stayed pretty much the same except that the poll voting benefits was moved much lower down to the $1 per month tier. 

V.I.P. Access Tier - $15 per month
This Tier gives you access to the previous tier benefits as well as the ability to put in a detailed commissioned with me, where I will create a specific video for you to your specifications. You will receive a copy of the video and the MP3, and a more generalized version will appear as the monthly patreon exclusive availed for the Exclusive access levels. 

I did away with the $3, $7, and $20 tier levels, as well as the more playful level access titles (relaxed, sinking, hypnotized, mesmerized, enthralled) in favor of a tier listing that was more easily understood at first glance to avoid confusion. (After all most of you are hypnotized while being on this site... right?) 

I also plan to add in the Discord server that I've been saying I'm going to be adding for the last year, as soon as I feel comfortable tackling the administration of that kind of beast. (I am a digital coward... things like this scare me.) 

With a change in tier structure and benefits comes the chance for you as patrons to adjust your levels up or down based on what services that you feel you are most interested in.  If that means a lower tier offers you more of what your looking for, while saving you some money please don't hesitate to make that change I am grateful for your patronage regardless of how big the contribution is!

However, with these changes comes a massive amount of adjustments that I have to make behind the scenes to activate the $1 and $5 tiers, so if you do make a move to the lower levels you may not have access to some of the posts immediately, please know that I am working to update those posts over the next day or so and will have them all updated, by the weekend! (I hope... like, I mean I should, but wow, digital beast.... *cower*) 

Thank you all for your patience in waiting for me to finish this project, it has been months in the making but I hope you all feel you have options that suit your interests and are being well serviced by my... umm... service. Thank you again so much! The next update will be publicly posted on Saturday/ Sunday and will be the Halloween themed Werewolf video, and regular Patreon updates and charges will continue on Monday November 1st! k

Thank you for your time!
Sleepyhypno,  Hypnotic Experiences founder, CEO, and hypnotic master (why not stroke that ego one more time eh?)


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