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Hey dear Patrons, it's a new year and the perfect opportunity to renew my page and benefits, so it is less confusing and more enjoxable. After all, my no. 1 goal here is draw things that we both really like, and make art that without you I would never do. 

With that said, I've been thinking about bigger and smaller changes that would benefit us. I'm gonna walk thru them right now.

About the content itself here on Patreon

There was much fewer interactions I expected, especially when it comes to the polls and suggestions. I wonder if the dates don't work for you, or you simply want something else. 

I also had an idea if I should make 2 sequences instead of 1, but no standalones? Since the lack of suggestions again. Sequences tend to perform the best and I can see you really like them. It is totally an option for me to focus on sequences instead of random fanart in the future. Lemme know if that sounds any good to you. :)

I also wanted to include a size poll, where you get to decide how big the 2 ladies are on the monthly art, I will keep this idea afloat until we decide. But If you rather have 2 sequences, everyone gets their desirable size anyways. What do you think, what should it be?


The lack of suggestions also made me wonder if you are not that much interested in fanart (considering that the majority is in Slice tier and could suggest).

Would you rather see your OCs perhaps, send in to be voted on and have a chance I turn them into the monthly art, or sequence?


Should we also have a Discord channel integrated to Patreon? Although Discord is not a benefit in itself, we could perhaps use it for the OC suggestions I just mentioned, and perhaps it'd be easier for you guys to interact. The reason there is not yet a Discord is that I live on the other side of the globe and at your ideal time I'm either asleep or at work.^^" But I'm sure we can still make it happen if you want to.

About the comics/original content

Back in September I mentioned that I"d like to slowly transition to making more comic. This doesn't mean I won't do fanarts, I'd be happy to draw them if you guys like to. However I didn't want to turn into a fanart factory, because there's no way I can draw every single favorite character for every single Patron, so it always has a bit of disappointment.

With comics, we have a fresh start with new characters, and endless potential stories. I'm trying to work out how to involve you guys more in the creation, so you don't feel like we're flying in the dark, but it'd also be a shame if I spoiled everything.

In the next project, the one with our witch lady, even though I work with a finished script, I leave leeways for you to insert your ideas. You can suggest what setting, background I should draw, what kind of clothes the characters wear, and even draw in your OCs as a cameo. :) Basically anything that doesn't break the structure of the story. Of course more ideas are always welcome.

When it comes to The secret ingredient (Clovercomic) that one still has a good chunk of story left, so in order not to get bored I will draw the witch comic in parallel. I made her story significantly shorter, once it is finished we can move on to the next idea - which I have quite a few lying around - build and refine them together, and so on.

About the tiers and benefits

I asked around wether the benefits were a bit expensive or not starting out. Those of you that wrote me back said it was okay, yet I see many people leave due to a change in finantial situation. It is alright, sure everyone has more important things in their lives than this, I can understand just want to know if you expect me to lower prices. I was thinking about it, but turns out Patreon really makes it complicated, so a workaround I figured is to slide benefits to a lower tier.

Regardless of price certain changes are necessary, but I will only tinker around in February, so for now you can relax and focus on your own lives (and I also have to gather my life, and yes it bugs me I couldn't manage to figure all of this out for January... -.-). According to your feedback, these are the most likely changes:

  • $1 Bits tier remains the same - tip jar for the generous
  • $3 Bite tier will have access to the HQ art, able to vote on polls. I won"t do sketches in the future, instead I focus on doing more comic and monthly art.
  • $6 Slice tier has 4 weeks early access to the comic pages that will be 8 per month instead of 4. And for the HQ monthly art as well.
  • $12 Snack tier has access to the archive, will be able to watch the NSFW editions of the monthly art, and can suggest backgrounds and dresses for the next comic pages.
  • $30 Chunk tier can view all 8 monthly comic pages in color now, not just a few. Plus their OCs can have an appearance on the comic pages. All other benefits included of course.


Tom Baker

All amazing ideas bro! 2 sequences is def better imo

David Banes

I am a sequence guy and I'm sorry you were let down by interactions. I say it takes some time and I mean you got 94 patrons so I feel like you're doing something right for sure. If you were you'd be losing them rapidly I'd think.