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Install video:

New feature video 

Lightning shader

  • added lightning visuals

  • added 42 new high quality sounds with a custom mastering for a pleasant feeling


  • improved thunderstorm weather

Pure Planner

  • added multilingual support

  • added fade to slot feature

  • weather data parameter are now all fix when Pure static controller is used

Pure Config

  • added a consent for using stroboscopic efffects

Pure Planner

  • a lot of bug fixes

  • better weather transitions

Sunblinding shader

  • new CPU limiter

Changlog Pure 0.238 -> 0.251

Pure 0.251 -> 0.254

Pure Config:

  • added CSP sound settings to Pure checklist

  • added CSP graphics adjustments enabled to Pure checklist

Pure Planner

  • added french manual and translation (Many thanks to RiZou71!!!)

  • fixed a bug with daylight saving time

  • added Chinese translation (Many thanks to Tidy!!!)

  • fixed a bug with setting time multiplier via keys or buttons

  • fixed a bug where last used plan was reset when loading a replay but nothing was changed in Pure Planner

Lightning shader

  • allow ppfilter script control of the visual parameters, if the user sets to full stroboscopic effects

Highres version (16k skydomes set) / 3.3 GB:

mega: Pure 0.254 Highres
mediafire: Pure 0.254 Highres

Actually,   the highres skydomes have no influence on your FPS. Also, only 2 textures are buffered in your GPU's VRAM. So it will only take 128MB of   VRAM. But if you want to check with smaller skydome textures, or you   don't have the internet connection to download a 3.3 GB file, please  use  the Lowres pack (800 MB).
Lowres version (4k skydomes set) / 800 MB:
mega: Pure 0.254 Lowres
mediafire: Pure 0.254 Lowres

As always, you need a CSP preview version to get rain!!!




Great work as always!

Jacopo Di Giuli

AMAZING... finallty! <3 Great job, Peter!

Kevin Moses

Awesome.. 👍





Alex Del

Thanks for your excellent work!

Terry Rock

Thank you for the incredible work Peter


I love u peter thanks

Herr Löblich

ich werf schon mal die aufnahme an

loukas zonas

why it says version 0.249 ?


0.249 ????

Damon Meheux

looks brilliant but agree with hanocq..pure showing up as 0.249!

Fitzroy Motor

Showing up as 0.249 also the installer seems to exit without a success message as usual, bit of a strange experience but the update is installed as expected.

Seounghyub Lee

I can't hear the rain. Is it just me?

Ninja Kicsi

still can`t see any lightnings. any idea why? should be enabled ?

Mika Saari

my cm shows pure version v0.249

Adrian K

For errors to correct, it tells me to change reflections to static. When I did, it asked me to change it to 1 face per frame. Then asked me to change to static.


Excellent work Peter

Florijn Klein

Hi Peter, as always, great work! Will test as soon as possible. Thanks

Algir2liz Nwm

nice and thanks ;) i Have a q: what settings use the most of rams becouse i have gpu 4070ti with 12 gb ram ant asseto corsa use all of 12gb rams but gpu utilization are about 80% or 70%. what would you advise in this situation?


VRAM is not like GPU consumption. You need to put all the texture in the VRAM so the GPU can access it quickly. If you have big big tracks and alot of highres skins for the cars, sure your VRAM is full. But it has nothing todo with GPU usage. AC is mostly CPU limited. If you crank up CSP with extraFX you will see your GPU is mostly used at 100%, but CPU has the biggest influence in AC. So if you are just hotlapping with no AI, then your GPU will get used the most. The more things are calculated in the CPU, the higher the resulting frame time is and the lower your GPU is used while the frame.

Algir2liz Nwm

yes it is ;) gpu about 80% and cpu 12% usage ;) vram full but if its full vram shareing with rams so i got stutters ;) and is any settings to make cpu work more and gpu less?

Pase Proaste

what resolution? i play 1080p and i have 7800x3d with 40% usage and rtx 3070 with 99-100% usage always no stutters 100+ fps

Algir2liz Nwm

3840x2160x60hz i have 7800x3d with 17 % usaage and 4070ti with 80 90% usage and vrams 12 gb and its full :D so i have stutters ;) I need more vrams :D or less usage of it.

Algir2liz Nwm

maybie u knoow some settings to decrease vrams usage and incease of cpu usage?


The pure setting is 0.249, but is it the same as 0.250?


AC only uses a few cores. So you can't take the overall CPU consumption of your system!


Why can’t I play online with this graphics mod?


This mod is only on the client side. So it does not matter if it's online or offline!

Crash Sim Dummy

Download links are not working, files not present when I click the links? 16k versions, not checked the others


Please always use the links here to n the post and not from the email. I constantly change them.

Eric Evans

I'm not noticing any lightning

Casey Erhart

Peter! Love the lightning! Is there any way to pause the lightning or to force it? I do a lot of photo mode in AC

wilfredo carlo

Why does it take so long, says 4 hrs to copy to assetto corsa


Thanks Peter , je vois beaucoup de changement niveau texture d'image bon courage pour la suite

Adrian K

Hi Peter. Thanks for the reply. I'm new to Patreon and don't know how to upload the screenshot. In any case, Pure Checklist says "Reflections frequency is not set to static." " Reflections FX is enabled." "ReflectionsFX is using proper physically-based sampling." I would have thought if everything was correct there was no need to point these out? Thanks.


First, those 3 messages are green and so everything is ok. You need to set thunderstorm weather for lightnings. Look in the shaders tab, if lightning shader is active there!


Works great, Amazing Work as Always, it keeps getting better and better 😁

Muhammet Goodman

i had rain when i use sol. when i installed pure rain was gone. there was no rain debug option in weatherFX. when i turn on rain on pure whether controller, it still doesn't exist. just sound of it. and i have full version cm. can someone help?


hi all the update is amazing as usual


I have a question Does anybody know how to have a time multiplier of for example 15 and have less low multiplier like 2 or 3 for data like the wetness of the road . to be more clear i want the day and night cycle to be quick and the effect of the weather or the weather transition to be normal. thanks in advance


thx again for your work . but for once , i have a problem. i install new version , and i have 8fps . i was 110fps with 0.238 version. i uninstall 0.250 and reinstall , always 8fps . reinstall at this time , annd 110fps. must i put settings down ? what do you need for help me plz thx before

Adrian K

Ok thanks for confirming the green is good. I've gone into pure config ingame, shaders, and lightning. All the tabs are green. No lightning still. Also tried reset stroboscopic consent, and shaders lightning debug. Still no lightning. Any other ideas? ty!

Aslo Studios

Great Mod Peter! Keep up the great work!


I have an issue. I have lightning, but no sounds from the lightning. Also, if the weather is raining, if it stops raining, I still have audio of it raining. And if I start the session in non-rain conditions, and switch to rain, I will get the rain sound. But if I turn off the rain, still rain sounds.

Loppy Flick

Will reseting csp settings fix the 99% cpu I always have with this update!?


Just keeps getting better, makes AC sing.


Do I have to delete old version first?


Just install the new one with the installer like shown in the install video. It will remove the old one but leave your settings.


Maybe try to uninstall it with the uninstaller and then install it again. Also install CSP preview versions manually like shown in the install video.


Just installed it like it is shown in the install video. If the install is not properly done an error happens and slows down the system. You can also install it manually by opening the Pure 7z file with 7zip app and extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.


The weather data progression is not linked to the time multiplier by default. You can active and deactivate this link in Pure Planner settings - dynamics tab.


Install CSP preview versions manually. Open the zip and extract the write.dll and the extension folder to AC root folder.

Les Young

thank you Peter, it looks fantastic

Eskar Ev

Thanks for the update the lightning looks great. Is there any way to turn on the wipers in replays tho?


I tried everything you said, and redid everything exactly in the video and still had the issue. I finally got it fixed by downgrading CSP to latest free version, and then installing the latest CSP preview after that. EDIT: Nevermind, now it's back to doing the same thing. EDIT2: It seems like resetting stroboscopic setting fixes it for only one weather transition. Then it goes back to having the audio issues.


Big Thanks, I'll try this update

Marco Fabro

Amazing work! It's finally here. Looks so good in VR. I actually wish the flashes were a little brighter like they were in SOL. But it does look amazing. Thank you!!!


I am having the same issues, Did everything suggested, all is working expect there is no thunder audio


Just try to install Pure manually. Open the 7z file with 7zip app and go into the Pure folder and extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.


Just tried that and got the same result. Have to reset stroboscopic setting each time it transitions. When I reset that, it gives me one transition before audio issues.


my shader is too bright i use csp 2.3 and your latest pure and its too bright i turned off blinding sunlight and sun rays and its still doing that


bro my pc cant run pure and i have a 3060ti and intel i7 11700k even with the low res pack. i have used pure before and its ran fine but not now. and when I install pure it only works when I put the file into content manager and not install via the pure_bat install method.


id actually like to take back my previous message. i watched a different tutorial to the one linked which messed up my fps. everything is fine now thanks

Perc Nowitzski

im not seeing the photorealistic option under the pp tab is there something i need to activate

David Fitzhenry

Peter, pure is gorgeous and a god send! Thank you so much for your hard work, and I hope you earn enough in Patreon, and our collective happiness to keep contributing this artistry!! The fact is, it helps keep this game relevant in a way that makes it feel like the open sim market of a game that it has become, and now it's truly special in comparison to other popular sims in the market.


i dont see lighting when i change weather whenever to every thunderstorm weather?


like shown in the new features or install video, you need to open Pure Config app!


Yes, I'm happy to be a part of this open sim universe which Kunos made possible! They created a very unique software...


You need to use the "pure" ppfilter. Its only with it! Every ppfilter has a different script and different UI elements there. So it is a unique feature of the default pure ppfilter.


Please open Pure Config app. Does it warn you about something on its main page?

jose crespo

peter para vr que me recomiendas???

jose crespo

Sorry Peter, for VR, what do you recommend?

David Fitzhenry

Now let's hope they don't bork ac2, and it becomes even easier to grow organically!


No it says everything is fine, and I tried setting everything to default settings and reloading the shaders with the buttons in game also after installing this pure I can't see the FFB change when I click the -/+ buttons there used to be a banner on top that showed the % of FFB


also my wheel shakes for no reason i tried changing everything it doesnt help i have the Logitech g923

Dietmar de Groot

Thank you, this new Pure 0.250 looks realy great


What is the difference between Pure, and running Pure VR filter for VR? What does it turn on or off etc. to be useful, or help with frames?


I lower some distracting things in the pureVR ppfilter, like godrays or I made special sunblinding settings. I tried to make a very comfortable filter for VR. The pure filter also works in VR, but it's used post processing effects can be distracting in VR.

Tim Carter

Hi Peter, I have a small problem that overcast clouds and scattered clouds are not selectable from within the planner. I have done reinstalls of pure and latest csp, both using the installer and manually, but c cant select them even though they are listed. Any ideas?

Crash Sim Dummy

I am getting a crash every time I change to heavy thunderstorm, either loading with the weather or changing it in the planner, strangely the crash always says it's a problem with the AI spline even when I am already in the game and change to it. Very strange


What do you mean exactly? Maybe better you go to Pure Discord Server and show a screenshot.


missing some pure files in both the version low and high res after pressing Y in the console.

Tim Carter

Hi Peter. Sorry, I have worked it out. The radar window was overlapping the planner window, so wouldn't let me select it. But moving the planner to a different part of the screen sorted it out. I should have checked more thoroughly.


thx for answering . the problem came from my ppfilter . i try with other ones , and no lost of fps ... king peter 3 lol , thx again

Crash Sim Dummy

Yeah tried a couple of tracks, like I said the track loaded fine so no issues with the spline, just when I change to thunder it crashes with that message which I know can't be right. I will try a reinstall of pure and CSP. Ta


which toutorial, i have the same problem


It worked, I had to drag the files directly in my ac root sorry for that. Run amazing on my 4080S. Nice work :)

matt matula

when i go to run the install_pure.bat i get this message in cmd 'powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. You chose C:\Users\mmatu This is not AC's install folder Press any key to continue . . . i get that it's not the right folder but it won't give me the option to select the right one


External repetitions with a TV camera make you hear the rain as if it were inside the car.


Then install it manually. Open the 7z file with 7zip app and go into the Pure folder. Then extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.


This is very nice! Thumbs up Pete!

Jason Gerard

OMG, VR is very immersive with lightning, a bit of mist and light rain, unreal! Only thing missing is water drops on my head! Lol. Thank you Peter for the awesomeness.


please check your sound settings in CM - settings - CSP - general patch settings. It might be you activated the option"Add sound delay with distance". Never activate this option. https://www.screenpresso.com/=4stRd


Please reset you audio settings in CSP general settings. Don't use the "add audio delay with distance" option!


That wasn't it. I had that box unchecked. All the audio settings in there were set to the default. I've uninstalled and installed everything a bunch of times and end up with the same issue. Is something in here showing what the issue is https://imgur.com/DCBLvdK I get these notifications on .250 but not .238


I’m confused , I redownloaded this version and it’s saying version 0.249 for me still and my rain or thunder isn’t working. I’m on 0.2.3-preview1 CSP.


Unless rain and changing weather doesn’t work in replays no more ? Ima try it in offline single player.


Okay yeah it’s confirmed. Rain and thunder works for controller mode in single player as well as changing weather. But for replay mode , nothing works. No rain , no thunder and weather/clouds don’t even change. Also above on the “Pure Config” app it says “Pure: 0.249” but in CSP settings in Weatherfx it does say version 0.250.


Thanks for the response but the link is deactivated and i still got a very quick transition with the rain for example. i got some small teardrop and all of sudden its heavy rain and that s the same for the data? in can not finish a lap when it start raining because the road get wet very quicly i play with 2 hours slot and i put all the slot on random for the all day with a multiplier of 15


loving it!!!! thank you peter!


the 0.249 is just a typo. It will be fixed with the next version. Rain and thunder are working in replays. You just need to PLAY the replay, because they are dependent of a flowing time.


Ohhhhhh , right on man. Thanks for all your dedication and time on this sir. I’ll check out the replays again later when I’m on.

Holger Tebeck

Great Work Peter, thanks for this great Work. What will come next?

Mark Dresslar

I have CSP preview version 0.2.3 and still no rain :(


I can't find Pure planner and Pure config, what to do?


Where can I join Discord?


Love no your Discord account in Patreon settings - More - connected apps. You will be autoconnected then...

Sander de Valk

Please help me... still got the green surface when it rains. if i debug the puddles its gone. but i still see green brakelines etc.... and of course I want the puddles.


Don't activate things you don't know. Deactivate the racing line option in rainFX.

Brady Logan

Should pure .238 be uninstalled prior to installing .250?

yawood W

Report an issue with the new "photo-realistic" function in the PPfilter: every time I load in a map, that option text displays as "color grading" instead of "photo-realistic." When I [LOAD config + script set] it becomes "photo-realistic" again. Also, the "photo-realistic" adjustment cannot be saved; it will go back to 0.500 the next time I load the map.


Hi Peter, cannot see the new lightning effects is there a box need ticking?


Hey Peter! I just tried it for the first time, have been using sol before. It looks great, I love it. Just one thing for me: the virtual mirror is way too bright in sunny weather. In heavy clouds it's alright. Is there a way to adjust this myself? I haven't found anything.


Not a Pure thing. There is a CSP setting to deactivate Postprocessing for the virtual mirror. It needs to be active!


Thanks I'm an idiot, sorry to waste your time m8, keep up the great work :)


I'm getting no frames with the new pure when on 0.238 I was getting hundreds of fps, and the skyboxes are really weird, help??


Please watch the install video and follow the steps exactly. If the install is not done properly an error happens and will slow down the system.

yawood W

Thanks, but delete did not work. I reinstalled and fixed it.


It was because of the incompatibility of the Premier shader that was being used, I fixed it and it works great now. Great job as always Peter, thank you!

swag man

is the thunder summonable. i would like to strike down on my enemies


thanks for your work

Gustavo Alencar

Hi Peter, I did this, and the rain isn't falling, the sound effects are, but the rain itself isn't falling.

Gustavo Alencar

Hi Peter, the rain is not working after I installed it, I already installed the csp manually and it still doesn't work, is there anything else I can do? the sound effects continue, but the rain does not


Try to delete the dwrite.dll in the AC root folder and install it manually again.

Gustavo Alencar

I tried as you advised me and the rain still doesn't work, is there another way? I reviewed the pure scripts and everything seems to be correct

Max Hilton

hi, cant get past the lightning warning on pure config, will be using older version until this is fixed


Actually the problem is on your side. It works for thousands of people. Please install it like it is described in the install video and it will work.


Please just install it manually. Open the Pure 7z file with 7zip, go into the Pure folder and extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.

David Farrell

What's the difference between the pure ppfilters?


Hi the executable just deleted my old pure but couldnt reinstall the new version, is there a reason why? i tried running the executable multiple times but the same thing happens

Hannes Swart

Hi Peter, I installed the latest CHP, then downloaded your pure 2.50 and installed it exactly like your video. Clicked on uninstalled sol, install pure. And it’s not working, saying it can’t find files. Then I did the manual install coping the folders into the root folder and still not working.

Hannes Swart

You chose C: \Program Files (x86) \Steam\steamapps \common \assettocorsa ###- Uninstalling older Pure version - ### - removing PPFILTERs ### + Installing Pure + ### + installing weather script File not found - pure + creating folders + installing skydomes File not found - Skydome_sets + installing weather controllers File not found - purectrl File not found - purectrl static + installing ppfilters and scripts File not found - ppfilters + installing Pure Config app File not found - PureConfig + installing Pure Planner app File not found - PurePlanner + installing AC weather presets File not found - content Installation complete: Press any key to continue . • • I


Please watch the install video! Extract the Pure folder to your Desktop before you run the installer!!!


Please watch the install video! Extract the Pure folder to your Desktop before you run the installer!!!

Kj Mcbee

It is pain to successfully install various mods lol. All I can say is keep at it everything works out eventually. We all have the same resources when it comes to software so has to work. I installed pure incorrectly and every time I used it, I couldn't get more than 30fps in VR. I need to upgrade from 2.48. wish I could just click an upgrade button.


You can always install it manually by extracting the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder. If you already have Pure and updated CSP and CM to the right versions, then this is the fastest method, which takes less then a minute.

Hannes Swart

I’ve tried that too about 4 or 5 times and the same thing happens. I never had pure before. I had Sol. Which I uninstalled like your video showed. Am I supposed to have downloaded an original pure first and then the 2.50 upgrade? I reinstalled Content manager so that should be the latest version, CSP I reinstalled 0.23 preview 1 and then then tried to install Pure 2.50 again like the video including installing it manually. Still the same problem.


If you still have problems, then better come to Pure Discord Server. Problems can be solved way better there. Mostly those problems are just tiny mistakes. For thousands of people the install method works, but maybe there is a think with your system. So maybe go to Discord...

Paskal Lavoie

I somehow never actually made the rain fx worked somehow , I have the rain fx thing activated , the CM version of the other guy , I hear the rain , but never saw it


do you have a preview version of custom shaders patch (you have to support x4fab on patreon to get them)


peter i can help you with turkish translation of the pure planner if you want


Install it manually, always, don't use CM for that. Open the zip and extract the dwrite.dll and the extension folder to AC root folder.

Christopher Dorey

Thanks again Peter ! Question I don't have water spray from the cars on track is that just a setting ? Again thanks for all the work

Rahiem Jafar

should do the trick but i dragged and dropped .250 into cm and it worked btu ill manually install .251 tonight and see how that goes


Decryption key?

Pierluigi Esposito

come imposto gli effetti stroboscopici completi?

jose crespo

I already tried it but it looks very dark and online it is very crass. I will return to SOL Do you recommend uninstalling Pure and leaving SOL alone?


Just perfect thanks you

jose crespo

Yes, I do I have tried everyone Let's see if I can find a CSP configuration that suits. Thank you very much for your work I will continue supporting you but for VR you still need to look hard to find the sweet spot a hug

Nick Conner

Hi, I am getting the downloads blocked for some reason at the moment. never had this before any ideas?

Nick Conner

Mega returns this "Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from mega.nz (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards). Learn more NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"

Nick Conner

Mediafire is being blocked by my ISP "Oh no! This page is blocked. We're looking out for you. We have identified that this website has malicious content and have blocked it for your protection."

Nick Conner

Never had this before any help would be appreciated


As always, your work is amazing. Also, I'd be willing to help translate the mod to portuguese. :)

Jeffrey Benson

I'm not getting any lightning. I'm using 0.2.3 preview. I get the rain and thunder, but no lightning. Is there a setting somewhere I'm not seeing?


You need a CSP preview version! Scroll the Pure update post all the way down, you will find a link to it there!

Jeffrey Benson

Got it! I had a big lightning flash surprise me, LOL! Very cool! Great job, again!

Savage_ Gamer

Hey did anyone have a problem were with some cars, pure works and others it activates then deactivates over and over again preventing me from using all my cars.


What do you mean? What let's you think Pure does not work with certain cars? Pure is just a Lua weatherFX mod. It is not related to cars! Maybe just try to reset your CSP settings.


Amazing work man. I was testing and did my own custom HDR config and the game looks incredible. The rain looks complete now with the lightning and the sounds. Imagine now with proper volumetric clouds...;)


where can i find the decryption key for the mega download?


There is non - please click the link again. Always use the links here in the post...


Yes, sure, I constantly need to change the links because there are some funny people which are posting those. So please always use the links from the post here...

Thak Oni

my pure config just shows gray no settings


Then an error happens. You see it if you open the Lua Debug app in-game. There will be a red dot. So it means that the install is not done properly. Please follow the steps in the install video exactly. You can also install Pure be extracting the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.

David w

Hi Peter,just installed this update and my sound has gone all buggy in all cars,any ideas how to fix it?


Thank you again for this pure gold


Hi the Pure 0.251 link does not seem to work. It says the site maybe temporary down. any advise?

Daniel Sneddon

Thanks so much!! this is the best

Ademar Hermida

Good evening Mr. Peter, with this new Pure the sky in my game turned black, what do I do? From 130 fps it dropped to 17fps


Please install it correctly. Watch the install video and follow the steps exactly.


Please look at the post and scroll down. THere is the link to the CSP preview version which you need for rainFX! Install it like shown in the install video...


when i downloaded it pure planner stopped working

Martijn Kuijpers

Hi Peter, should the CSP option ‘use compatible sky shaders’ be enabled to enjoy your full work? Disabled should give more FPS but I don’t wanna lose anything of your great work. Cheers

keith phillips

Peter, your work is amazing. The celestial model is accurate enough to see a solar eclipse... that is seriously impressive. April 8th 2024 at Circuit of the Americas.


To be honest, i don't see any difference in performance if this is active or not. In Pure i force the sky shader to a certain mode, so this option should not make a difference.

Mathias Benedicto

should i uninstall the previous version before installing this one ?


why is the pure config blank when trying to open it

Marian-Claudiu Culea

I love your work man, do you have any references on how I can create my own custom sky domes?


It's a question of what is your source then. In the scripting pdf I describe it a bit, but there are many new functions added. It's not the easiest way to do it, but if you seriously want to do it, maybe open a new post in the Pure Discord Server. I could explain you the first steps.

sim-racing-game- 2B

great job Peter! not only is it even more realistic but it is also less resource intensive. I gained more than 30 fps so thank you Peter

cmbaileytstc .

I am having a problem. Recently certain cars, ONLY certain car's tires have been flashing in and out rapidly when moving and become invisible at a distance. These cars have not given a problem before. I'm sure it is a setting I've switched on in either CM/CSP or Pure, but I don't have any idea what it is and where to shut it off.


is there any way to get thunder more often or get more visible cause i get a lightning bolt like every 1/6 chance and itll make my vids way more beautifull

Brandon M

Hey All once i have installed pure followed the guide video , keep getting completely grey screen ingame


Imo that can't be Pure. If you switch to default style in weatherFX settings, is it gone?

Holger Tebeck

Hello Peter. Great Work. Thanks a lot for your Work. I have one Problem, Not Sure how Long going on.... My Skydomes are flickering What can i do?


Better you make a new post in Pure Discord. Please post a short video of it and please post a screenshot of your settings in CM - settings - CSP - graphics adjustments

Harry Power

Pure wont show up in weatherfx when trying to change the style


pure config is bugging out when i try to choose the epilepsy setting when i first click on pure config


Please watch the install video and follow the steps exactly! If an error happens due to a not proper install, the Lua system will break.


thank you i insalled it wrong but the video helped fix the problem

wilfredo carlo

My pure conf settings says 39 skydime textures missing, how do I fix it, when I change weather patters from clear to scattered clouds it stays clear, bur when i put the rain it changes, but if I put scattered clouds it goes clear.

Jesus Quijano

pure keeps resetting like every 10 seconds in game causing this flashing/rendering effect and i cant figure out why, i followed i followed the video exactly


That is Microsoft OneDrive causing it. It is constantly restoring files in your Documents/Assetto Corsa folder. If a file is change there CSP will reset the weatherFX system to reload those changes. If you don't use OneDrive, uninstall it. Otherwise deactivate the sync of the Document/Assetto Corsa folder.


for some reason everytime i use pure my fps goes from 150 down to 25, and the epilepsy display keeps flickering and i cant click on any of the 3 options.


my weather FX page only shows default, ive installed it how the video says, ive installed it by manually putting in the files, but i still wont show up. help?

Gord Sankovic

I just played in VR using a Quest 3 with the latest update at 120Hz, I used an open wheel racing car in heavy thunderstorm at night, the lightning and thunder blew my mind!! Dazzling brightness and gorgeous patterns in the distance, I was looking up and around shitting my pants! Superb work Peter, thanks!


Please go to Pure Discord server and report the issue there. There might be a easy solution, but I need to see screenshots. Link your Discord account in Patreon settings - More - connected apps. You will be autoconnected to Pure Discord Server.


I had to drag the files individually in the files for it to show up. I figured it out tho, lovin the work


Hi Peter, I have a problem. When I open acc evoluzione (no matter which version) everything is normal. As soon as I go into a race I get a negative picture of the car and the track. The menus are fine. Assetto Corsa is also ok. I have found the reason, but unfortunately no solution yet. When I deselected the actually pure in weather fx in the "custom shaders patch" ACEvoluione works fine. If I activate pure in weatherfx again, I have the overexposed initial image. Do you have a tip? What could be the problem? Greetings

Matías Palomo

What an amazing work.. installed yesterday and how good is your work, it's magic...


yes peter boyo wsg, my game keeps crashing for some reason and it's only statred happening since like an hour ago. do you know a solution?


You can always try to reset your CSP settings: Goto /Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/ rename the "extension" folder to something different. Restart CM. It will create a new "extension" folder. You can restore it later. Did you update your graphics driver maybe? If you have Nvidia, the "Studio" drivers are mostly working better for AC.


All my Nvidia Drivers are good, but I will try that other method later but thanks for the Help peter!


You can't say that with your drivers! I needed to reinstall the studio drivers on my side to, because Windows thought it's a good idea to install newer game ready drivers.


Thank you , fantastic work.

Marwah Sundaya

Hi Peter, is this the latest update from Pure 0.250?

based in

Windows Defender detects a threat, but is it okay?

Massimo Russo

Me too I download the file but the system detects a virus. Solution

Costel Andrei

I can't install it becuse it's detecting it like a virus

Antonio B

its detecting it as a virus when downloading and is deleted by windows defender :(

Gary NeoGunzeus Malmgren

I'm getting a virus detected and cannot install the latest update windows defender is doing it's thing


I'm trying to upload with other settings. I think Windows Defender just can't read the ultra packed 7z files.


Its reuploaded. I also checked with online virus detection tools and they don't report anything. I now used 7z "Fastest" packing mode.


Just wanted to say that it was weird that my computer detected a trojan horse malware from this. ofc I tried again now it works. Just very concerning on my end

peter mcmullan

Sorry if answered but same as above windows defender deleting file as Trojan Took a screen grab will post on discord


You can check it yourself on online virus detection sites. There is no virus in it. It is a false positive by Windows defender.


Windows defender became super sensible and often reports falsely. I can only recommend to use a better virus software.

Michael Talbot

same here wont let me download as virus found


There is no virus inside the downloads! You can check yourself at VirusTotal. This is an online virus tool. You will see there is no virus. Windows Defender became super sensible in the last time. So it can cause false positive reports. Here is some more interesting about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/antivirus/comments/14bhb6u/trojanwin32wacatacbml_trojanscriptwacatacbml/


THERE IS NO VIRUS IN IT! Please use a serious virus programm. Windows Defender got too sensitive and reports safe apps as virus.

Fred Schriks

Downloaded 4 times. Still virus. Mediafire and Mega.


Don't use Windows Defender. Use a serious virus programm! Its a false alert by Windows Defender. There is no virus in it! You can check yourself at VirusTotal.com

Guy DeVivo

Greetings peter everthing is working except rain visual not sure what I have done wrong. I still have SOL and your prev rev?

Guy DeVivo

I also pay $2 a month do I need to pay more for the rain visual?


Comfirmed false positive malware. I tried a free trial pro Total Anti-Virus and checked and there's no Trojan. I apologise in advance towards peter. Thanks


Do you have CSP 0.2.3 preview also installed? Pure itself alone doesn't give you rain effects, you need x4fab's CSP preview for it.

Thierry Thima

malware dl 2x Seven zip W11


Don't use Windows Defender. Use a serious virus programm! Its a false alert by Windows Defender. There is no virus in it! You can check yourself at VirusTotal.com

Greezy Weezy

same cant download virus detected. tried several times with malware bytes off. same DEAL

peter mcmullan

No No I was just letting others know to go to my post in disco and see all is sweet! TBH Peter once I seen on here already talked about and it's cool, but I know some like pictures.. And apologies if I have stirred anything?


Regarding the so-called virus detected by Windows Defender the solution is simple, you deactivate Windows Defender, you download the file, without any problem and you reactivate it, just after downloading. No Virus with Peter ! En ce qui concerne le soi-disant virus détecté par Windows Defender la solution est simple, vous désactivez Windows Defender, vous téléchargez le fichier, sans aucun problème et vous le réactivez, juste après le téléchargement.


Don't use Windows Defender. Use a serious virus programm! Its a false alert by Windows Defender. There is no virus in it! You can check yourself at VirusTotal.com


followed install tutorial and checked my process 3 times and still cant get pure in weather FX. Help?


You can also install it manually: open the 7z file with 7zip app, go into the Pure folder and extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.

Greezy Weezy

turned off windows defender and malware bytes, still wont let me download?>

Eduardo Garcia del Val

I have not problems with the new pure, it is amazing!!!!! I love it. Peter go on, you are the best!!!!

Greezy Weezy

turned off windows defender and malware bytes, tried different browser. still says i have a virus and it cancels the download


This is pure eyecandy, I absolutely love your work

Robert Pratt

I tried downloading it properly through the AC folder and for some reason the controller for the weather disappears in settings and the pure app flickers and won't allow me to access pure any help be .much appreciate...

David Manole

Im sorry to bother but i tried to install this new update and my windows defender keeps blocking the file bc it finds some trojan script, can u do something about it or should i just allow it on my pc


Yes I know, but it is a false report! There are many many reports of this false behavior of Microsoft Defender in the Internet of this particular false report. At this stage I can just recommend to use a serious antivirus programm and to deactivate Windows Defender!

Fred Schriks

Deleted 7zip and now everything is ok. I'm sorry Peter.

Jason Wells

When crew chief bitches at me for track limits, I see Peter's disapproving scowl. :) Thanks for the great software, Peter!


Is it worth going from .251 to .252? I see the only change being made to DST.


If you are in a country where DST is no thing, then you don't need it. But if your country change the DST soon, Pure Planner will have a bug with its time indicator bar.

Erin Albino

Going to ignore it as it seems here that the consensus is that it is safe, but the Windows Security Protection History states (just in case it's useful): Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml If you are having difficulties, try whitelisting your "Downloads" folder. Virus & Threat Protection > Manage Settings > Exclusions > Add or Remove Exclusions. Don't forget to set it back after the DL.


Or you can use a serious antivirus programm and deactivate allergic-behaving Microsoft Defender. There are thousands of false reports of Microsoft Defender in the Internet with this signature. Even Microsoft's own apps can be affected. Defender just uses AI learning and it seems that's not the best strategy. So imo it is already allergic and will not properly respond to normal things. There is already a common Google entry that tells about that this can be a normal behavior for compressed files downloaded from hosters. So the best is, get rid of Microsoft Defender and use a serious virus protection tool.

Holger Tebeck

What is the right Thing? Fullscreen or Not? Looks complete different? Sorry If this is a silly question.


If you use HDR then yes. Like written in the included HDR tutorial - AC's HDR does not work in fullscreen mode! If you don't use HDR - there will be no difference!

Erin Albino

Totally agree - built in AV is just a fallback option. By the way, thanks for the update!


The question is why there were/are no problems with 7ZIP containers in my other versions of Pure... only the 252 is a bitch! I don't really want to do without Windows Defender, as it is well integrated into Windows and doesn't require as many resources as other virus protection tools and is free.but I have solved my problem!


There is no question why it happens now. It could be there is a simple sequence in the code, which fits with a signature. It also happened before and it will happen more often in the future. Windows Defender is hyper sensible and sure its free, but its also useless, if ALL other virus and trojan tools don't report anything. So the fault is on Windows Defender side and it was just a question of time when this happens. Maybe its the 7zip archiver maybe its some other thing. You can just search for that trojan signature and you will get thousands of false reports by Windows Defender. It will happen to other apps and packages in the future too. Defender is machine learning and it will take some time to relearn that this is not right. So why it happens now - it came with an update of sigantures or a windows update...


Thank you very much for the detailed and quick answer


If y’all getting the virus notification turn off windows defender and download it from Microsoft edge browser and it should work

Hans Schneider

I'm not going to disable virus protection for downloads from these terrible download sites that are just full of scams. PURE is NOT scammy of course but going on these sites without protection is insane. They might very well inject some kind of trojan into the executables... Sorry, not going to touch this.

Andrii Kryvytskyi

vacatack threat, don't think its worth it


Don't use Windows Defender. Use a serious virus programm! Its a false alert by Windows Defender. There is no virus in it! You can check yourself at VirusTotal.com


Don't use Windows Defender. Use a serious virus programm! Its a false alert by Windows Defender. There is no virus in it! You can check yourself at VirusTotal.com

Cor Validum

hmmm..... this is wrong to advise Peter!!!! 7Zip has been know lately to cause some false positives BUT that does not mean Win Def. is to blame! 7Zip is! Why don't you just zip your files with Windows built in zip option (right click>send to> Zip)? It have great compression rates and is 100% compatible! Besides advising someone to change their (potentially need to pay) for something they don't actually need instead of changing your approach (stop blindly trusting 7Zip) is kind of crazy LOL I had never issues nor false positives from your files but lately I did saw this issue with other 7Zip files and it cant be all for nothing since if there is smoke fire is near ;)


Because the difference of 7z and zip is 2.6 GB with 7z and 3.3 GB with zip. Also I did not change anything in my setup. So the files created by 7zip are the same. Why there are so many false reports of Windows Defender esp with this signature??? So should I just change everything because only 1 hyper sensible virus detection app makes false reports over and over. NO other virus detection tool found something with this 7z archives.

Hans Schneider

Use a decent download option (you should be able to host the yourself) instead of using scammy sites that put your customers in danger. I'm out…


I host it myself with mega and MediaFire. There is no virus in it. It a false report of Microsoft Defender!!! And btw it is not caused by the hoster! It happens with Google drive too for example. It's just machine learned Windows Defender thinks there is something in it, but it is not. It does not work properly. I never had problems, because I never used Windows Defender.

Cor Validum

I honestly do not know and I am not going to try my luck ;) There are so many 0 day vulnerabilities out there that are unknown and I really dont want to go with who is right and who is not. I went with simple analogy that specifically 7Zip files were being flagged with unknown trojans without any other variation or fork of it! If that is stated by built in defense software I am going to act on it and not search for "enabler" in form of other software that is not reporting the same. All I am saying is that 7zip updates/downloads could have been intercepted or infected or something else on Users machine is injecting something thru 7Zip process I really don't know neither do you and as it turns out others ;) yeah 1GB on top of your files is nothing for peace of mind basically so in my opinion that cant be the reason. Again I have never experienced any false positives with your files (with and only with Win Def.) so that is that. PS. didnt try v252 so will try now :)


Could you try it again? I uploaded zip files now - sure they are much bigger now...


Could you try it again? I uploaded zip files now - sure they are much bigger now...


Could you try it again? I uploaded zip files now - sure they are much bigger now...

Donald Jordan

I'm having the same issue, Virus Detected via the DL Site. Unfortunate.

Tony W

HDR seems to be limited to 60 fps :(

Greezy Weezy

2.52 worked today managed to download and install. thank you.

Tony W

Thanks. But I do not have the frame rate limit set. When I activate DXGI is when it seems to limit the frame rates. I have to settings exactly setup according to the HDR manual. I'll check again but once I turn DXGI off the frame rate isn't limited. I'll check my settings again. Thanks again.

Siempre Callado

does this fix the whole not being able to click through various exposure settings when using other ppl's ppfilter's because the was the only issue I came acrossed with the new version of pure. Everything was perfect except when I would click on my pure config and try to adjust the exposure setting profiles it wouldn't let me.


Idk what you mean. Please report that at Pure Discord Server and provide some screenshots.


Link your Discord account in Patreon settings - more - connected apps. You will be automatically connected to the Pure Server. Make a new post in the Pure help hub.


Btw, if you are using the C13AEGIS filter, you need to update this! There is a hotfix for Pure 0.250 and later!

Siempre Callado

I updated everything already though and still have this issue


Maybe you did not update it right. If you open the in-game Lua debug app and there is a red dot, then you did not update properly.

Siempre Callado

Got it running but what do I click on to see what color of dot I have?

Siempre Callado

I did, I posted in the pure general chat in the pure help hub so now I’m just waiting on someone to help me out because I wasn’t able to see any dot when I used the Lua debug app

Reece Knowles

graphics look amazing now but cant see rain particles or puddles. any suggestions?


Suggestio: please read the Pure update post till the end. There you find the disclaimer about rain! Also please watch the install video. There you see how you need to install CSP preview versions!

Andrew Tsousis

i get this when copying folder to desktop

Jeff Jaskowiak

I can't get the version to update. I tried downloading a couple times. Used the uninstaller, and used your installer. I also tried copying the files a put them in the root directory. Do you have any suggestions?

Huskey editz

how do I get the vao patches??


Pure does not show up for me in weather Fx i am using the 0.2.3 preview of csp x4ab

Mk Lorent

Merci Bcp Peter, Génial sa tourne a Merveille sur Ma 4090 RTX

Andrew Tsousis

When unpacking compressed folder i get this error. Even after re-downloading file.

Andrew Tsousis

CRC failed : Pure 0.252\extension\config-ext\Pure\Skydome_sets\default_16k\textures\encrypted\196200739.dds

Andrew Tsousis

it complains about 1 file only

Elliot Faggetter

Since installing this today... ALT+TABbing out of AC... FFB lost?

Greg Polymerou

I have followed the instructions in the installation video but I can't see "Pure" in the Weather Style of the Weather FX


No i did not get it fixed, i installed 0.238 instead which worked fine. I might try reinstaling this one today

Ivan Sanchez

Same problem here, i can´t see the "Pure" as an script option on Weather FX.

Carl Dean

Hi, when I select the lightning . It restricts my cat speeds to about 30mph , like having pit limiter on .

harry kidd

why does it make me run 15 fps whenh it normally runs 450 on sol


Please install it properly! Watch the install video and follow the steps exactly!


Please install it properly! Watch the install video and follow the steps exactly!

Jakub Matunak

hey , i have problem my pure show up in wheater fx but not when i go to the drive menu? could you help me


why am i not seeing anything to download


Don't you see the links for Pure Highres under the BIG "Download Links" picture?

Joaquin Juarez

Hello, I have a problem when entering the weather, which is why the puree does not appear. I show a photo https://imgur.com/a/5tkWYWl. I installed it and did it like in the last video, if someone helps me I would appreciate it very much


Just try to install Pure manually. Open the pure archive and go into the Pure folder. Extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.

Joaquin Juarez

I just tried it and it still doesn't appear. When I get in without setting the weather, it doesn't let me configure the puree because it flashes and says I have to activate it

Flavio Cardoso

Thanks for the work! With this version im have problems with weather plans. Even clicking play button they wont start at all. I have some le mans weather plans that were working perfectly before. Now they dont play at all.

Greg Polymerou

Hello Ivan. I have resolved the problem. I had Content Manager already running when I was installing Pure. I closed CM, installed Pure again and then it was shown in the list.

Greg Polymerou

I fixed mine. When I was installing Pure the first time, my Content Manager was open. Then I closed and re-installed Pure.

Flavio Cardoso

No red dots there ... but i discovered that if i click play AND then change speed to 16x (or any other speed) manually it works as it should and the time starts (The "play" button dont start the time flow alone anymore in here). Before, i did not have to do that, only click play and everything worked (16x set automatically in the plan file). But no problem there, i can do this new approach. Thanks!!


all ive had with this is problems


When i switched from the last one to this the reflections were buggy or wouldnt work and my mirrors were everywhere


But ima redownload it tomorrow and see if that works but besides that when it was working i loved it

Random Stuff

Hi rain no longer works for me

Arkadiusz Cegielski

Hi Peter. I tested some Pure Settings connected to light in cockpit view and I compared it to light behavior in real car, and got conclusion that even in the blinding sun cockpit interior is still visible. I think that the cockpit and its elements could be illuminated to a certain extent, but they shouldn't exceed a certain limit, even when the windshield becomes completely white from the sun. Maybe I miss something in Pure and I can adjust it somehow. If so please give small suggestion how I should go with it 😀 Thanks for your amazing work.


Imo it depends if you wear sunglasses and how much the sun blinds you, but you can adjust all this things in the "shader" tab of Pure Config app. There you find the sunblinding shader and there you can adjust all parts of it, like the reduction of brightness and the blinding overlays.


Rain was also broken for me going from .251 to .254. I have followed the install video directions to the letter with no results. Can you please provide a .251 link?


Pure has nothing to do with rain!!! It just controls it. Please install CSP versions manually!

Jukka Makitalo

So is there something special when upgrading from 0.251 to 0.254? I guess you just run the installpure.bat and it removes the old version and installs the new one? Guess the settings also stays the same?


Hi Peter, I don't know if it's a "pure" bug: when I start a session in track day mode, even if I have deactivated the "turn headlights on and off automatically" feature, when I turn on the car's headlights both during the day and at night, the high beams tend to turn on by themselves even if I keep turning them off continuously, it only happens in track day mode, while in practice mode it doesn't happen, I apologize for my bad English, I hope I was clear


I tested it with the latest CSP 0.2.2 and 0.2.3p1 and it works. What CSP do you use?


Yes you can also just extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder. That will do it too....

travis lollis

Both links for the downloads are not working


Please always use the links in the update post here on Patreon and not from the mail.


i am using the latest x4fab csp version, i also noticed that does the same thing in race mode too , i dont understand why. i dont want the headlights to be controlled by pure, but it seems that they are controlled by pure the same even if i disabled that feature, i mean while driving during the day i usually keep the headlights on but they keep on switching to high beams themselves non sense, if it does this during a night drive has more sense but in the day has no sense, i hope i was clear, sorry for my bad english


If you deactivate this, Pure can't control this. What do you see in the Pure Config app "AI" tab?


I see a thing that says: to control headlights, "turn headlights on and off automatically" must be activated in CM/settings/csp/weatherFX


But then if I activate that, the headlights gets controlled by pure. Since to activate them I have my buttons on the steering wheel I don't need this feature, so what this could be caused by?


I also tried to activate that feature, I also set headlights default and high beams default but both during day and night I can't switch the high beam off, they instantly turn on again


I ran installpure.bat and a window popped up saying it was successful with it's installation, but nothing seems to have been unzipped/relocated to my ac root folder.. I had Norton security that would block the install but uninstalled that and the issue persists.. I went into the zipped file properties and marked it as "trusted" and still nothing


Did you extract the Pure folder to Desktop before you run the installer, like shown in the install video?


I did and still the same issue.. copied and pasted the folders to the mods.golset and nothing


All right, but activated or deactivated I still get that bug, I don't know how this is possible, I'm kinda sure that with the previous version wasn't happening, isn't there a way to fix it? I'm Sorry for wasting your time but it's very annoying this bug


There was no change in Pure in this department. It can't be different with the new version. Actually Pure only tells CSP headlights are needed. Nothing less and nothing more. If the option is not active, CSP should not activate them. On my side it is working. Maybe it is caused by another setting in CSP settings.


Noooo. If you want to install it manually, just extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder. Actually there is no mods folder in the Pure archive. If you use the mods functionality, you still need to "activate" the mod in CM!!!

Einar Bjørnen

Everytime there is a new version to Pure I hope for realistic sparks from the F1 cars. I am stil disapointed!


I might be wrong.. this was a few days ago.. but I was following your install video step by step.


I don't see many settings for controlling the headlights, among those I see there is only the one mentioned by pure, on the other hand I didn't touch any settings either before or after updating pure, I don't understand how this is possible, I also checked the key assignment but they are set correctly, at this point I think it is due to the csp, I hope x4fab releases an update soon that solves this problem, thx the same for trying to help peter


I've tried a different car and it doesn't seem to happen, I wonder how a car can control its own high beams, this has never happened to me before, sorry for wasting your time


The car is a bmw 335i e92 2010 from Prvvy and it's perfect in every aspect, it has both low and high beams, I never had this problem with this car to be honest, I drove it some days ago and the headlights were functioning correctly, I still can't figure out how this is possible

Vincent Scellini

So I ran this today on Career mode [Novice Series 1, Giullieta QV Time Attack] with CSP 0.2.3 and everything worked fine, however when I tried to play the next race in the series, (Giullieta with AI opponents) AC would crash. Rolling CSP back to 0.2.2 seemed to make everything work again so not sure if this is related to Pure or CSP but wanted to point it out. Will also make a post there and have a few crash logs if they would help.

travis lollis

Must have been my connection. After closing out the browser and trying again it worked for me 🤙

steve dyer

sorry 2 say but the last 2 updates totally wipe out pure i know that some dick head is hacking your account that is why nothing is working check into it thanks


What do you mean? No one was hacking my account! There are just some additional fake accounts. What do you mean with the last 2 updates?

steve dyer

sorry pete but 252 and 254 wipeout pure out of the game it goes back 2 default weather


this is awesome bro keep up the amazing work

Joaquin Juarez

Can someone give me the discord link?

msrtin collins

The pure planner won't let me save Timed or staped settings. when I left click save as, it just shows folders but no way to save as and then it just locks to that page . can't go back, only have to reboot game. any fix for this. Thanks


You need to link your Discord account in Patreon settings - more - connected apps. You will be automatically connected.

steve dyer

i install with the install pure batch file tried it a few times still wont work so i have 2 go back 2 251


What does not work? You can also try to install it manually! Just open the archive and go into the Pure folder. Then extract the folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder. That's it...


You need to be subscribed with a "tier". So please select a tier like the 1$ tier. Then you will be automatically connected and you get the role on Pure Discord Server to view the Pure channels.

steve dyer

that did the trick pete thanks very much

Ameer Rameer

Hello. I followed along flawlessly but for some reason my pure config is blinking and I cannot click anything on the seizure warning page. My Lua Debug is saying my weatherfx are bugged but I dont even know where to start. Can anyone help?

Krzysztof Piotrowicz

thats one of the weirdest things i have ever read. if you download from here, there is nothing wrong, what ever the problem is for you it is on your side lol


Install manually. Open the zip , go into the Pure folder and extract the 4 folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder.

Roger Tregelles

I installed the latest version of Pure per your excellent instructions. However, when I click on Drive in CM the Weather drop down is grayed out and I can't get to pick Pure. In CM under Weather Style I have selected Pure 0.254. What am I doing wrong here?


Don't select "real condition" or "ideal condition" if you want to have a custom condition!!!

Kraye Tan

Anybody had any problems with having time and weather not syncing? Mine only happens when I have Weather Fx "on" And only on downloaded tracks like Melbourne and Suzuka where 14:00 is night time when its supposed to be bright When I turn Weather Fx "off" everything works perfectly


Maybe for those tracks the world coordinates and Timezone are missing. You can add those in CM in the track settings. Just add a track location there.

Kraye Tan

Hi! Thank you for the quick response! Where would the track settings be located at?


Is openvr broken? Pimax crystal using pimaxxr and game crashes 10 seconds into loading. Also noticed the screen reprojection is super washed out, like the contrast is maxed out. Disabling open xr and it doesn't crash.

Kraye Tan

I tried everything, it just don't work. I followed all the proper guidelines in installing it but every time I turn on Weather Fx in any F1 downloaded tracks, the time of the day and the sun are inverted. 8AM starts to get dark instead of sunlight.


Maybe report it at Pure Discord Server and provide some more info like the used tracks and show the info in CM - track - geo cords and Timezone info

Kraye Tan

Ok will do! By any chance, do you have the link to the discord server?


Link your Discord Account in Patreon settings - more - connected apps. If you are subscribed with tier, you will be autoconnected to Pure Discord Server and get a role to access the Pure channels. Make a new post in the Pure support help hub.

Landan LaRose

I did both of those and it still wouldn't work so I just clicked uninstall pure. Any recommendations on the next step?


Actually if you install CM, CSP and Pure like shown in the install video it will work.

Josh Durran

Im having an issue where the skybox and lighting is flickering every couple of seconds and in pure config when it happens it says "pp filter deactivated". Seems like its resetting every couple of seconds, any idea how to fix. I have a video of it but dont know where to send it.


Uninstall Microsoft OneDrive if you don't use it. Otherwise deactivate the sync for the Documents/Assetto Corsa folder

Olly G

Hey pete need help downloading this one everytime i install pure 0.254 it says You chose C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa ### - Uninstalling older Pure version - ### - removing skydome set default_16k - removing Pure Config app - removing Pure Planner app - removing PPFILTERs ### + Installing Pure + ### + installing weather script File not found - pure + creating folders + installing skydomes + installing weather controllers File not found - pureCtrl File not found - pureCtrl static + installing ppfilters and scripts File not found - ppfilters + installing Pure Config app + installing Pure Planner app + installing AC weather presets Installation complete. Press any key to continue . . . And when i do click continue the mod is not there anymore this didnt happen with 0.238 that one works fine,also made sure sol was uninstalled Pls help out!!!


Don't extract it in the AC root folder! Please watch the video. You extract it on the desktop and start the installer there!!!

Kata Totoro

There is sound, but there is no thunder animation.

Kaleb Dailey

just tried to install... both links are dead in my email?


Yes, I need to change them constantly because of pirates. Please use the links in the update post here!!!


Like it is shown in the install video, you need to open Pure Config app after the installation to agree a consent for stroboscopic effects.

Mauro Prelli

Is it possible to run pure on ac online server? I don-t understand which settings choose to start a pure online session...


Pure is just on the client side. The server needs to setup the weather. Pure just shows what the server sets as weather. Pure has an override mode, where you can force a weather look on you client side, but that's not for time, date and rain. So there is NO Pure online session. Pure is like a graphics mod. If the server sets the weather broken clouds, Pure will show it's broken clouds graphics.

Mauro Prelli

Thank you for the fast response, so is there a way to enable even those who have pure installed, for example, to see rain? So, effects like thunderstorm, how can they be triggered by the server, is there a corresponding setting to let pure show full fx? I totally love it, offline is awesome!


very weird hard to explain but there is this weird bug where when i change the time with the slider the time/day moves with the slider its very hard to explain it just happened out of no where after my game crashed and cant fix it plz help


When I'm trying to set the weather to pure it just show me in the section "dynamic" "rain" but not pure and in the settings i just can set the filter on pure HDR or pure VR. What can i do to fix it?


Please install it properly! Please watch the install video and follow the steps.


How do I get added to the discord?


Same for me other games works on pimax crystal. If i started a game in ac it crahed out in 10 sec

Rainer Musch

Hi Peter, suddenly I can no longer select different exposure settings in your PP filters. Only Hybrid is possible, the other buttons turn red when selected. What could that be? Latest CSP and Pure.


I guess you use a third party PPfilter called C13Aegis??? If so, there is already an update for it on their discord or Patreon.


Link your Discord account in Patreon settings - more - connected apps. You will then be automatically connected to Pure Discord Server. You need to be subscribed with a tier to my Patreon.

Rainer Musch

C13Aegis nicht, aber zu viele andere. Habe pure uninstalliert und von Hand Überreste gelöscht. Alle filter bis auf default gelöscht. Alle Scripts gelöscht. Dann wieder Pure 254 installiert, ändert sich nichts, für AC und CSP ältere Konfigurationen geladen, auch nix. Pure und CSP deinstalliert, mit älterem Pure und CSP geht auch nichts. Es ist halt so, AC macht einige nicht nachvollziebare Dinge. Danke dir trotzdem für deine Bemühungen.


You can try to find a set setting in your user settings. Open the rain_fx.ini in your Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/extension folder. Maybe you find the debug option in this file. Then remove it there.

Rainer Musch

sorry for the wrong language. I'll reinstall CM, maybe that will help.


Kannst du das bitte im Pure Discord posten. Dazu bitte die Lua Debug app öffnen. Da müsste dann ein roter Punkt sein. Da auf den Tab mit dem roten Punkt wechseln und "expand error" drücken und einen Screenshot machen ..

Robert jan

Thanks for the great video!!

Daniel O'Dowd

hey, using Pure for the first time and it looks/works great, except that tyres have a rainbow effect/glitch texture when moving. For example, on the Formula Hybrid RSS, the Pirelli logo turns rainbow/glitched once the wheels are rolling. Do you know why/how to fix?

Kuba Szczur

i cant find the pure script in weather fx what can i do to fix this


Please install it like it is shown in the install video. Follow the steps exactly.

Zeyad Hani

Download always getting stuck at the end when it's done it never actually finishes, anyone faced this problem?

Saimon Houatchanthara

getting only 17 fps, i got a 3080, 32 gb ram, i7 11700f


amazing bro i love your work


Sounds like a failed install. Please watch the install video and follow the steps.


I actually found out the issue if you are having no rain but sound & clouds. In your CSP preview download you need to change out the dwrite.dll from the lastest update. If you do the extension folder it will not work.


You always need to replace BOTH (write.dll AND extension folder)!!! So I described it on the install video. Both contain the updated data! And you always need to do it manually, not via Content Manager.


i need help im new to everything and i cant get it to work i have the audio and clouds but no rain


The Youtube video he listed goes over everything and is pretty straight forward to follow.

Wojciech B

I installed everything manually but when I start race I see nothing (everything black) except for some white shadow on drivers left window and a bit of smoke from exhaust. Even reinstalled AC.


That's a bug in the newest CSP with extraFX. Set MSAA to 2x and don't use "Custom" as video resolution.

Diogo Paulico

i cant use pure config its completly blank im trying to fix it for about 2 hours did everything and already installed the csp you recommend and still on pure planner it says CSP 0.1.80p346 or higher needed


im on csp 0.2.3-preview1 and pure and Pure 0.254 and i get some flicker in the sky?


what should be the right far plane setting? its 200000, 30000. And what CSP do you recommend for the latest Pure? Thanx for your great work.


i followed the install video and manually installed csp preview and Pure but in weather FX i only have "Default" option. No Pure Option ?

Melle Tollenaar

I installed Pure using the install video, and I used ligths patch 0.230 as CSP, but when i start up the game The screen is extremely dark and i can't open the SOL planner, it's saying: 'please select SOL 2.5' is there any fix for this?

Richard Bernal

i joined and the i still dont have access to the download links


Did you watch the install video? You use Pure Planner now? Also if you use the last CSP 0.2.3p211 there is a bug if you use extraFX. You need to have MSAA to 2x or more and don't use the "Custom" screen resolution!


Did you watch the install video! If you are able to comment here, you have access to the update post and so you should be able to see the post and also the links in the post! Also there is a new update Pure 0.271!

Darrell Hice

Thanks Peter for a great program. I have had it working and enjoyed it!!!

Darrell Hice

But I do have an issue, I've been updating the whole system after getting back to sim racing after a shutdown due to an operation. I have put in the updates for Content Manager, CSP, and Pure. On the Drive Screen in Weather, it is greyed with no drop down to choose Pure, it is set in Weather style under CSP. Planner says "Pure controller is not running!"