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I found a littel bug in Pure 0.115.
The colors are shifted a tiny bit. You will not notice this while looking at the landscape or cars. But this little shift is causing wrong colors with emissive lights, like shift lights. In its extreme form, shift lights can look purple, where as they are originally blue, like in the RaceSimStudio Formula Hybrid 22.

This bugfix will solve this problem. I changed the files of the original Pure 0.115 post. So feel free to install Pure 0.115b, to avoid those wrong lights.
Original Pure 0.115 post:

For experienced users:
Just copy the
\MODS\Pure 0.115\extension\weather\pure
folder to:
folder and confirm to overwrite existing files.



Pure Config app is part of the base install. If you install Pure, it should be installed too. You don't need to activate it. It is a LUA app, so it should work without doing anything. Do you have this folder: /assettocorsa/apps/lua/PureConfig/?


Hi, What I do wrong when i get black sky? Followed the installation instructions. Have sol installed earlier and csp 0.1.78


Dont get pure config to work all so.


You use the pure_install.bat? Do you have this folder: /assettocorsa/apps/lua/PureConfig/?


I extracted pure mods folder to assetto root and executed install_pure.bat.


Yes I have PureConfig folder.


In installation process I selected assetto root folder.


Then it should be in the ingame app list (mouse to the right screen border). If you have the "new taskbar" active, just press the "all apps" button. Pure Config should be in "Your apps". https://i.imgur.com/KlKYGre.png


If it is still not visible, try to extract the 7z on the desktop and then run pure_install.bat and select the AC root folder.


Hello Peter, Hope to get a response! I downloaded the paid version of the newest CSP (1.79preview) At the time of writing this It does not allow for any rain at least for me. I was able to disable and install the older model (1.77preview) and all the rain works! unfortunately I can no longer use the Hi Res skyboxes. Is there any work around to this or do I need to wait for Ilja to get his version fixed? Thank you!


The rain in CSP 1.79preview5 works! You can try this: Delete the dwrite.dll in your AC root folder. Then drag'n'drop the CSP 1.79preview5 zip to CM and install it via the green menu symbol.


It would be really handy if there were a desktop app that would download and update to the latest versions of AC/Pure/Sol mods automatically. I think this could be a worthwhile investment that would get more people on board, in addition to making all this a lot easier - not having to read readme files, pdfs, detailed patreon posts


Can confirm it definitely works. Skydomes and Puddles = Superb! Currently using 0.115 not 0.115beta + CSP 1.79preview5 . As suggested, AC crashed when starting until I deleted dwrite.dll and reinstalled CSP. Thank you so much Peter


Hello Peter. Your work is amazing - thank you! Any prediction on when the patch to put back lightning in a storm will be released? Thank you.

Zip Zap

There is already some functionality for this in the current version of Content Manager, but only working for some cars and tracks.


hello peter ,used the new pure 0.115b and now everything has a pink colour ,red ferraris are pink ? can you help please ,lights are pink on the night tracks as well


I still have hard time finding a settings that works all the time for every weather. By the way, is there anything in content manager that should be turned off? Like dynamic ambient gain, brightness, gamma? Or anything else? Please let me know. Thanks! Even for the same weather at the same time.. one part of the map might be the right brightness but the other half is super bright.


Hi guys, can someone please advise why the cars interior are very dark? Thanks


With the next version there will be a great improvement of this. We are working on the fine tuning of the weather and the exposure. So currently the picture has always a well balanced brightness in every situation.


It depends on the used car. Does the Kunos car interiors look also too dim?


Hi Peter, it is very weird , all cars have very dim interiors Kunos and mods. Ive tried deleting cars vao but with no luck.


Hey. U can try my settings found on racedepartment. Just look up the pure 0.115 config or something.


I tried it, its even darker. This is what its like -> https://ibb.co/tPBQ58r


I am using A_Wagnuk pp filter ,but even with pureEYE it is quite dark while not in the sun.


hello, I like to support the project but it's been a while since a new version of pure, anything planned soon?


Hi, yes I'd like to release a new version at the end of the month. There will be many tweaks to have the right exposure in all weather situations. Many bugs were found and I added some features for a better lighting with the skydomes. But testing is taking many time.


Just to confirm I found a solution - It turns out the reason was vao.dynamic exposure set higher than 0.


But this is not a real solution. VAO is the key to a better lighting. So the question is, why it is too dark on your side. It could be also your monitor settings, if gamma is too low, everything is looking too dark. If you look at this picture, what is the first field you can barely see? https://i.imgur.com/alTcmJH.jpg


Great to see you are keep working on pure and i hope u found the issue that reflection on the car of the new pure look weird than previous ver(0.102), that would be cool if you fix that issue too. That's the only thing i hate about new pure


There was nothing changed with the reflections. What is the problem?


paint on the car was fine like sol back when i was using 0.102 but after i changed it to this ver, paint of the car and the sky reflection doesn't rly match on the car


ok i will take my opinion back, after i downgraded it to old pure -> installed new pure again now reflection looks fine on the new pure too. sorry for confusion

Jacopo Di Giuli

Thanks a lot for all your work... any news about the new version of CSP? almost 4 months mounts of silence on the Ilja side.. i'm scared!


Hi Peter, hope you are well and can help, i have installed everything and when i open Pure config from the right hand menu bar in game, it opens up an empty grey box with the headings at the top but no sliders or anything? do i need it or have i not imported something properly? thanks


Having problems with interior, car is far too bright inside at sunset any fixes?


If you open Pure Config, there is a settings check. Do you have 3 green text lines?


Hi Ross. Go into the settings ingame (pure config) click "Light" tab and adjust csp_lights.bounce & csp_lights.emissive . light.sun.saturation changes the the colour of the light against objects during sunset. adjust it if your surroundings look too red during sunset/sunrise time - hope this helps.