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My dear patreons,

In the last month i was optimizing Pure's complete code. I find out, how to speed it up. This took some days. Pure is now running very efficient and fast.

After this, i was digging deep into the CSP clouds. I tried some new lighting models. With Pure 0.30 you see the one i prefer right now. In the next versions i will optimize it and expand it to other cloud types. For now you just have this lighing for the Cumulus (fluffy and big clouds). The Cirrostratus clouds have a very simple lighting model atm.
The lighting model does not works for nighttimes atm!

!!!  I recommend to use the latest CSP 1.76preview134 !!!

This version allows Pure to put all clouds calculation in an extra CPU thread. So you will get many FPS back!

If you do not use this CSP version, please open the pure_settings.lua and set the to parameters like it is shown in the picture.

In the settings you can even overide the cloud's quality to insane values.
!!! Do not make it higher then 4.00. It will produce huge numbers of cloud subparts !!!

If you use CSP 1.76preview134 and you have a very weak PC, please tell me how it runs with different settings. Also if you have a beast of a PC, try to set quality to 3 or 4 and tell me how it runs.

Link to Pure 0.30
Please look in the manual. Before installing Pure 0.30, please delete an older version !!!

In the next version i try to implement sound from Sol and i like to add live weather in Sol Planner.

Have fun...
Best regards, Peter




Hey Peter, Is it essential to use a HDR Monitor? Or is it possible/worth with a non-HDR Monitor? Many 🙏 for your great work!!


HDR Monitor is not essential! But if you have one, you can fully use the HDR filters delivered with Pure...


hello peter, your progress is amazing and looks gorgeous. I have 1 thing to report though; I get a huge fps hit (fifty percent maybe) at sunset and sunrise times resulting from sun shadows. doesn't happen using sol alpha 13. I use 134..




Thanks, Peter. Great to see the amazing progress here! Quick question, on page 9 of the Install Guide, should we be picking "Pure" like in the screenshot or "Sol 2.1" as indicated in the language above it? "In CM, select the Sol weather script and Sol 2.1 weather controller:"


Thanks, its wrong in the manual. I will change it. You must select Pure there!!!


Thanks for the quick reply!


It's a great looking update, but the performance is even worse now. With the previous update I was getting worse/similar framerate in rain, but I did get an increase from 75 to around 86 fps with clear skies in my test scenario. With this I'm down to around 57 in clear weather, barely 50 with broken clouds (they are gorgeous, by the way), and around 40 in heavy rain with the headlights on (43 without them). The clouds are at 1.0. Could it be my four core i5?


You use it with the CSP 1.76preview134 build? Otherwise use the settings i posted above in the description and in the picture! If you do not use the newest CSP build, then you need to limit the clouds processing. The new CSP 1.76p134 build makes it possible, to calculate things in an asynchronous thread. So i set it to calculate all the clouds in one cycle, because its no longer needed to limit this loop. But you need to limit it again yourself, if you not use this feature.

ATR Camtool

Wow! Thanks Peter, performance is greatly improved now! I've gained many frames! Precious ones! Thanks!


When I chose pure as weather script, in the night everything looks extremely bright and yellow-ish. Really strange. Not-usable in my opinion. I wonder how that comes and if there is a way to change it. https://www.bildhost.com/image/aatLUC


That is called night light pollution. This is set via the track's config. Maybe it is much too strong on LAC. If you choose another track, it should be ok! I'll have a look and fix this... edit: Fixed it. LAC config uses another RGB format. Pure will automatic correct it like Sol. Will come in the next release...


Wow, thank you very much! It was really... irritating. I'm driving in VR and it didn't have the feeling of a night at all. You could see basically until the horizon. About the same as when you're driving through a tunnel that is lit with yellow lights. And the effect was strong to an extend, that it didn't make much difference if you have headlights on or not :-) Thank you for the fast response!


High end pc: Regular sol ( default settings ) 410 fps Pure ( stock ) 530 fps Pure ( 3.00 in lua file ) 380 fps UI in game is much to dark, its not a issue for me though since csp has a vr tweaks tab, its a must for VR imo you can change brightness, size etc. As of right now Is there any possibility to turn down the brightness of the sun while the PPF is off with pure enabled ( looks like a nuke just went off when i load in when the sun is out)? Just having the PPFs on is very taxing for vr it can cost you anywhere from 2.- 4. ms on the steam vr performance graph, I realize that i can just run no filter with SimplePPoff but pure does look better to me with the ppf off compared to the SimplePPoff Script so i ask.


Pure needs post processing. So it was never meant to use it without pp. Due to a fixed light system, it needs autoexposure to control the brightness...


But i'll add a mode atm, where things get adapted to ppoff. But it can't dynamically adapt brightness in dark places. So its just a fix adaption!


I see, thank you for explaining that to me because I haven’t a clue to how you make this magic work, thank you for all your work as well


I've found something that might be of interest. It's more related to CSP but I've found it affects Pure as well. Following the recommendation of having FXAA enabled in the AC settings and disabled in CSP (in case you don't want FXAA, which you don't if you're running VR), does not seem to disable FXAA. I'm using CSP preview 136 and found this when trying to tweak my settings, trying to make AC not look like a sack of potatoes. It just looked like a blurry mess, as it does when using FXAA with VR. Also the auto exposure on Pure looked really bad. It was all fine on my monitor but in the headset it was crap. Unchecking FXAA fixed this and the exposure looks much better.

Daniel Oliveira

why the Sol 2.2 alpha 14 version disappeared from discord? Something wrong?


i cant see extra space-screen lighting from sparks anymore. do i need to fine tune something or is it disabled?


If this FXAA exposure bug happen, could you please have a look in your CSP DXGI settings? Is "New DXGI flip model" active or deactive on your side? Is HDR support active or deactive?

Callum McGurk

Is there by any chance a halloween mode for Pure? Screen red tinted and very foggy...


Use the track's night light pollution to color it red and set fog with the Sol Planner app. e.g. open \assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded\ks_silverstone.ini add [LIGHT_POLLUTION] RELATIVE_POSITION = 0, 0, 0 DENSITY = 0.7 RADIUS_KM = 6.0 COLOR = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

Callum McGurk

I think you misunderstood, but you answered my question. I'm guessing it's not you who made that mode then :D The red tint and fog is what I'm seeing when I load up Assetto, lol. I'm guessing it's an easter egg made by either you or Ilja so if it wasn't you it must be him lol


Ah. That visuals are actually active if CSP version is not compatible! Please open Sol_Weather app to view the debug text.

Callum McGurk

Ahh I found the cause. I installed a bunch of cars and evidently one included CSP 1.66 as a 'freebie' - yeah, thanks for that. Back to normal now


Ok so I did some tests, ran a lap around Barcelona with the Ferrari F138. Time was set to 12:30 and broken clouds weather Quality 0 --> 99.7 fps Quality 1 --> 91 fps Quality 2 --> 67.7 fps Quality 3 --> 48.8 fps Quality 4 --> 42.5 fps This is running with an RTX 3090 and i7-9700K at 4K resolution One thing to note, is that as quality increased so did GPU usage decrease. Quality 0-1 were utilizing 100% GPU, quality 2 was utilizing ~80-85% GPU, quality 3-4 were ~65-50% GPU


It was with CSP preview 136 Though I should also mention that I recently had to do a fresh install of W11 which I feel like has borked my AC somehow (like starting a race is giving me ~30fps when it used to be much higher) so I'm still trying to figure that out.


I have a 3090 with a 5950x and I get similar results as Short-Circuit as I progress from 1-4 in quality. GPU Utilistaion really drops off and 1 CPU core is always maxed at 100%. This is with scattered clouds > overcast, If i drop it to few clouds it's fine. This is with latest CSP1.76-preview136


i am not sure if this has to do with pure. I am playing in VR. there is some weird auto exposure going on. when looking straight everything is extremely bright and when looking to the right it gets darker


yes i have tried that, it seems if i get closer to the windshield, it gets darker and looks more natural. but the further back that i sit or move my head it gets bright again. tomorrow i will try and attach some images to show.


Ok i actually figured it out for me, it was this Windows11/AMD Chipset issue Applications sensitive to the performance of one or a few CPU threads may exhibit reduced performance. ◦ Performance impact may be more detectable in >8-core processors above 65W TDP. (https://www.zdnet.com/article/amd-and-microsoft-push-fix-for-windows-11-performance-problems/) (https://www.windowscentral.com/amd-fixes-bug-causing-performance-drops-windows-11) Runs like a dream now at 3 quality with 100% gpu utilization. If anyone else is on Win11 and has a AMD Zen 3 CPU, make sure you have the latest update from Win11 and the new chipset drivers installed, then after restarting go to Power Shell as admin and type "Get-ProvisioningPackage" for Zen 3 you should see version


it was a simple fix. had to uncheck the auto exposure on the post process filter settings


i installed Pure today well attempted to, and when i did this, this compeletely broke Content Manager, i followed your detailed instruction and your install script completely broke asseto, any way i can get in contact with you?


Just here at patreon. Can't imagine, that it break CM and AC, it's just a weather fx script. So if you just install Pure, it does not touch CM or AC files.