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<code>I just released Beta 18 of Sol 2.0

There are many changes and graphical improvements.
- core/gfx: added a luminance dependent green filter to the sky color retrieving function
# improves clouds look, achives neutral colors in the transitions from cloud's top to bottom part

- core: clouds randomization logic is used for all cloud render methods
- core: weather HDR is now working also in nighttimes!!!
# to the former logic in your custom configs, adapt it this way:
# local hdr = weather__get_hdr_multiplier()
# hdr = math.lerp(1.0, hdr, sun_compensate(0))

- sky/clouds, "2d": fixed clouds brightness in twilight times

- sky/clouds, "3d" - CumulusMediocris: improved look
# more color control of top and bottom part with sunlight
# more bodilyness, better separation of bottom (water, more dense) and top (steam, less dense) part
# better overcast look
# added sun glow look (backlit)

- sky/clouds, "3d" - DistantCloudy: better look with sunsets

- sol_config: added new parameter "SunIntensityFactor" to nerd options sky (Page 15)
# this is an important parameter of the sky shader, so i added it to have customization
# It can be used as the main brightness of the sky with sunlight

- controller: preparations for new CSP version
# rainFX fix deactivated for csp(1245 and higher), which prevents a crash (not needed anymore with new versions)

- ppfilter/custom config: added "__Sol_fakeHDR", completely reworked
# tried to achieve realist brigthness levels of sky and ground, so AE reacts realistic
# adapted AE to work probably in nighttimes
# added linear midtone CG

- ppfilter/custom config: __Sol_Extra, tweaked, better look with overcast
- ppfilter/custom config: __Sol_color_neutral, added linear midtone CG, but CG is disabled</code></code>




the link is not working


when i click on the link it says its missing on both of them


This is a very old version. It is out on Racedepartment for a long time. You can use this new beta instead: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lwr1XWLih72zHwzAPhgE0RAiz4aVDELB/view?usp=sharing