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How are things? Enjoying the stories? I hope so :)

Now that we're a good ways into Of Space and Bachelor's degrees, are you enjoying it? How about relative to Many Worlds?

If you don't read either of those, why not? Don't like science fiction?

I would appreciate feedback on what I am releasing. Currently, there are 3 chapters of Wizard! per week, and 2 chapters of Bachelor.

Wizard! gets a lot of views, and I really like the story, but if it's the only thing I write I'll probably go crazy. Thus, I'm still going to have chapters of other things. However, if I get to the point where I add more chapters, I would be interested in knowing what is most preferred. I can presume it's Wizard!, but hearing responses directly is nice.

I am also open to changing what I update (changing out one or two of the chapters each week for samples of other stories, for example, or returning to Many Worlds once I get to a good stopping point in Bachelor). Of course, if people are content with the way things are, I can obviously continue with what I'm doing now as well. 


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