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The current way I have things set up here is when the support meets certain thresholds there will be more weekly chapters. This sounds great on paper, but it's not optimal. For example, more support might be gathered if I released more, and with multiple series not everyone will agree on what they want more of.

I will be making some changes to the current way I do things, but I'm not sure what exactly yet. I do know that Wizard! will continue at a fast pace, because it's got the most solid foundation and is *relatively* close to the end (though I could see it going past 500 chapters).

Don't expect any huge changes right away, as anything that happens will be a slow ramp up. I will likely be increasing the number of chapters of Berserker and Strength to 3 each per week, but that won't necessarily happen right away. Currently in the middle of *almost* moving out, because where I live we're getting the carpets redone and the walls repainted. (Don't worry, I have a laptop and stuff so even for the week? or so I'll be out of this house chapters will still be posted and written).


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