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Hi everyone.  Nadia has finished rendering.  I've also been adding sound effects.  I thought I was finished, but as I was putting everything together I realized there is one missing layer... Foot-falls.  Really only vital at the end.  But it shouldn't take long.

While I was making sound effects (which turned out really cool by the way), I was rendering the full quality background pass.  The first shot is now rendered with the full background; so that will be added to the initial release.  After that it is the sphere environment map until the last chunk which is also full quality for the background.  After the background is fully rendered I will send you an update.

Hopefully just another day or so and I can have it in your hands.

I've also come to a decision on if this animation will be 3 parts or just 2.  If you have money set aside for Nadia right now, as little as $12, this will be a 2-part animation for you.  Anyone who wants the animation after March 1st, it will be 3 parts.  The animation is a tiny bit longer than six minutes (not counting intro/outro), so getting all of that all for two parts is a nice pre-order deal, I hope you will agree.

More coming soon!


Jordan Lew

Woohoo great news man!


Cant wait 😁


I am so excited!