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  • Temp_112K.mp4



Hi everyone.  I hope you are all having a good holiday season.


Nadia's foreground element, the main render pass is all done.  I mentioned earlier I would make a fast-rendering background sphere map thing so I can get this to you quicker.  That is still happening, but the last chunk of the animation has Nadia directly interacting with the background.  I don't want to spoil too much, but the last 1000 frames or so...  If I rendered that is a sphere map it would look really odd.  So I am rendering that as a normal render for the last chunk of the animation, then I will do the sphere map thing for the rest.... And then later will update you with a fully rendered version.

So this background render pass of the last ~1000 frames is about 35% complete at the moment.  I wish it was 50% or more but it is what it is. :/


Miku is getting the mocap cleaned up with a lot of hand-animation to finalize her movement.  Attached is a clip of the very start of the animation.  You can see the original mocap data in the blue skeleton.  I am hand-animating her head movements to more closely match her dialog.  Her footfalls are re-animated by hand as the motion capture area is quite small and so the raw animation data is basically her walking in-place.

Sorry I've been so quiet for a while.  I wanted to get a somewhat good report for you.  I'll try to do better at this.  I have a lot of messages here I need to follow up on.  I'll have more for you soon.  Take care.


Jordan Lew

Ooo can’t wait for both of them lol No worries Cm we know you’re grinding out there