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Hi everyone.  I have Miku's audio recorded and edited.  I am theoretically ready to record motion capture now, but I do want to see if I can shave it down  bit.  It is currently 6 minutes and 17 seconds long, which is right about the same length as the last animation...  Resting between what would normally be considered a 2-part anim and a 3-parter.  I want to see if I can bring it down to around 5 minutes if I can.

In other news, I think I have stumbled upon what is likely a Storm breakthrough...  What does this mean for this particular animation?  That depends.  This anim is technically ready to rumble as it is now... but it could be retooled to take advantage of the new tech.  I need to do a solid test first to make sure it will work exactly as I think it will work.. That comes next.

In other news...  Something quite vital... Patreon has announced that if one's Patreon has any adult content on it, it must have the creator's identity verified due to a new policy by MasterCard.

I tried going through with this process, which requires either a mobile phone with a camera, or a webcam.  Since I do not own a mobile phone, I chose the webcam option.  But it is giving me all kinds of problems.  I focus the cam on the passport image but it is blurry up-close.  I held a magnifying glass up to the cam and I can just barely make this work, but it is problematic because it causes fish-eye distortions and the only way it gets truly in focus is when the camera is too close to see the entire card at once.  But it does work once in a while.  The problem is the next step.. I need to turn the camera around and focus it on my face.  This step NEVER works..  Even though it produces the clearest image.  I've submitted a help request with Patreon but I suspect due to the nature of this process, it may not be possible without buying a more expensive webcam.  Another alternative is to strip out all of the NSFW content from this patreon account, which would be all of the work-in-progress posts..  Then if I email you something extra after the Patreon business... That is between you and I, nothing to do with Patreon.  This MAY have to be the way it is if the camera thing is not resolved... This is why the audio on this post was "censored."  This is all superbly annoying, but really not all that different from how it is now..  I email the main rewards anyway.

Anyway...  I'm going to whip up this test now.. Should be interesting. To be continued!



so what's the status on the nadia animation?


It's estimating 81 hours remaining on this main render pass.

Jordan Lew

Surely someone would let you borrow a cellphone to carry out the verification? Or you could just get a cheap burner phone, slap some data on it and away you go