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I've gotten a bunch of them sent out by now.  I'm still working my way through everyone.  I also had to work out in the flipping yard again today.  So hang in there and I should get to you.  But feel free to send me a private message if you want to say "Hey I didn't get it yet."



This animation was INCREDIBLE! Although, I didn't really think the voice actress's voice matched Raina. Nothing against the voice actress herself, she did well, I just didn't think it sounded young or sexy enough? It was probably just me. And the arms felt off but the elbows (as you mentioned you weren't happy with) made it look even more strange and you mentioned that before. REGARDLESS of those faults. I think the mapping of the muscles (the biceps flexed, the pecs, and ESPECIALLY the midsection WOAH) were all SUPER MIND-BLOWING! It EXCEEDED my expectations by so much! You did such an amazing job! I'm glad it's finally here, but seriously...thank YOU so much for your HARD WORK!!! I still think you should have taken longer to fix the things you didn't like because you made it sound like an unfinished version that you weren't completely happy with. I think we'd all wait just for you to "perfect" it! :D If you were able to that is, if not, that makes sense. As I said, if you were able to fix them, I highly encourage you to fix those before releasing the final product. Just my thoughts! I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with what I said but if you're ever unhappy with something you made, you may regret some parts of it and whatnot. So, it's best to fix or alter it so that it fits your liking and not feel incomplete! Plus we want your BEST!


Thanks very much! :) Sorry for the unfinished corners.. It was just taking an absurdly long time to complete. The next one will impress you even more I think.


That's okay man! I still think the wait was very much worth it! I hope she gets bigger too and we can hopefully see her whole body this time! :D I feel very confident that when you say the next one will impress, I know it will!! I think the most important thing to take from it all as well is that you figured out all these new methods that honestly work super well. And I must say, the face software is BEYOND incredible, it makes it feel far more realistic.