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  • Thigh_Rigging.MP4



Look how complex the nodes are for her legs.  Crazy huh?  They are all done except for her toes.  I've attached an animated look at her thigh deformations.

I got some bad news the other day.  After weeks of the Storm dev telling me the Point Deformer feature will be ready "very soon," now he's telling me it needs more time and it will be ready sometime this summer.  Coincidentally he also posted this animation on the same day:


So my guess is he wanted to add a sexy new fire&smoke feature in the next update and this is delaying the Point Deformer feature.  So that's a bummer.  I do have some ideas on how I can do some good shrink-wrapped skin without Storm and I'll get back to you with the results of my test.. Likely later today.
