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Hey everybody! I've just posted a rather epic preview of the upcoming Patreon release. And it's on a shiny new YouTube channel! Here's the link. Enjoy!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oYN4neYX1U


Something Super Trailer

Soviet Superwoman guests stars as CGMan's 17th Patreon release, "Something Super" (Female Muscle Growth & Breast Expansion) Visit here to pledge for this or other fun graphics and animations: http://www.patreon.com/CGMan Soviet Superwoman will experience pectoral muscle and breast growth in the finished animation. This animation will be sent to my donors who pledged $6 or more for this animation. If you pledge anywhere from $2 to $5.99 for this animation you will get some still images from the animation. If you do not get your pledge in before the animation is release (expected release date: Jan 31, 2015), you can still get it, but it takes longer and is a complex process. I will need to make a video explaining this process when I have more time. Sorry the animation is silent; the current donation amounts are not enough for foley and music. With your support these animations can have these things and even more! Thanks so such for all of your donations! :) Soviet Superwoman is the creation and property of http://soviet-superwoman.deviantart.com/ Older CGMan creations can be viewed here: http://cgman.deviantart.com/


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